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After the seven boys cleaned up from the rather messy fight, they had there dinner which was spaghetti. Taehyung never tasted spaghetti this good in his life if he would be honest. And as per usual, Jimin and Yoongi teasing Hoseok and later having a food fight and Jin yelling at them to fix it themselves. Taehyung thought that Yoongi and Hoseok would make a cute couple and questioned why aren't they dating.

"Hey Jungkook thanks for letting me borrow your clothes." Taehyung thanked Jungkook "No problem." Jungkook said with heated up cheeks. Jungkook is still shy around Taehyung because of course, he admits he has a crush on the human boy that he met a day ago. From his looks to his attitude to his everything, Jungkook just loved him already. Jungkook thought Taehyung looked very adorable in his clothes that were too big for the human. Taehyung was wearing one of jungkooks white shirts that reached almost his mid thigh, and his basketball shorts. Taehyung wasn't really used to wearing boyish clothes. He is used to wearing short gym shorts for girls and a regular oversized sweater.

For fun he would sometimes wear dresses but only in the house, afraid people will judge him for his preference. So for Taehyungs confort he rolled up the boxers abit and tied the strings up more on his waist so they were high waisted and they wouldn't fall off his hips or waist.

When Taehyung was done and he turned around to see Jungkook in the middle of taking off his underwear. "J-JUNGKOOK!" Taehyung whined while putting his hands over his eyes. "Hm?" Jungkook questioned Taehyungs behavior just then to realize. Taehyung seemed to not be comfortable with him changing his clothes. "O-oh sorry..." then an idea popped up in his head. It won't hurt to tease Taehyung a bit. "Taehyung im donee~" he said. Poor Taehyung uncovered his eyes and yelped when he saw a fully naked Jungkook standing there, laughing. Taehyung got mad and started blushing hard. And whacked Jungkook on the head. "GET DRESSED STUPID WOLF BOY!" Taehyung yelled turning around and covering himself with a blanket.

"Taehyungg~" Jungkook got on the bed and cooed. "no. Your a betrayer." Taehyung pouted,"I'm sorry Taehyungiee~" "no go away." Taehyung said. "I'll let you have my piece of apple pie if we have some." Jungkook promised. "Don't think I won't forget this mister." Taehyung said and turned around to see a smiling Jungkook with messy hair. If it was possible he blushed even more. Taehyung was also starting the notice the Wolf boys behavior and appearance and stuff. Taehyung liked it. He liked Jungkook. Not a lot but just a developing crush. Unlike Jungkook, he was already crushing hard. It's the boys first time 'liking' and 'falling in love' with somebody. And Jungkook so far liked the feeling a lot.

"Eugh Jungkook your breathe smells like a freaking dead pig." Taehyung said covering his nose. Jungkook made soft snorting noises and made his nose scrunch a bit. Taehyung laughed at the males cuteness. "You don't mind if I sleep in the bed..right?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung decided not to be so uptight because jungkook obviously didn't like sleeping in his wolf form in a too small dog bed for his big wolf form. "Mmh, Yeah your fine." Taehyung was sure Jungkook wasn't going to possibly kill him in his sleep or do anything because the boy looks too innocent and nice. So he trusted Jungkook to sleep with him but not all the way. So he put pillows between them. "I-I'm sorry I just-" "Hey it's fine," Jungkook interrupted a bit sad Taehyung didn't trust him fully. "Thanks kook.." "Anytime Tae."

So the night ended with two men saying good night to each other and a certain exited wolf boy sleeping, with his wolf tail tucked in between his thighs to stop it from wagging too fast from excitement and hoping that Taehyung couldn't hear his fast heart beating. Not too different from the other male too....minus the tail.


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