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Taehyung woke up to an empty bed and with a note left beside him. Written in sloppy crooked letters.

'I went shopping with the hyungs for clothes for you and other things we will be in wallmért (walmart) and hace fun with jimin.'

Jimin is here? He seems pretty cool. Taehyung dosnt mind him he seems nice. Taehyung got out of Jungkooks room while stretching to see Jimin all dressed up with a beanie on and casual clothes and a strawberry waffle in his hand while scrolling through his phone. "Were goin shoppin' bitch." Jimin says smirking. Taehyung widened his name at the word but he didn't complain. 'I think I just found my soulmate.' Taehyung thought. "But we don't have a car." Taehyung says sadly. "I can summon one child. Now go hurry and shower we bouta' get you some nice clothes so you won't just wear Jungkookies shirts n pants. You look like a trash bag." Jimin says being brutally honest.

"Ahh i know it's not my fault he's a big muscle bunny." "Aish that muscly hoe. Now go shower and stuff." Jimin ordered.

|time skip|

Taehyung was done taking a shower and was shook when jimin was infront of the bathroom door, and snatches him into his room. "Alright Tae. I see your uncomfortable wearing those boy clothes. You cross dress." Jimin explained. "I-I" Taehyung studdered out. "Sis it's fine I do it too." Jimin says smirking again and going in his closet to get a huge box and opened it.

To find all types of cute crop tops and girly shirts and stuff and shorts. Taehyung widened his eyes and his mouth. "Girl no!" He said smiling at jimin. 'He's definitely the one' they both thought. They are soulmates what do you expect

They both starting digging in the box of clothes, recommending different clothes for eachother. Then Taehyung foung a sofi tukker light pink shirt. "You like sofi tukker!?" Taehyung says smiling even more. "She's iconic I love her so much." Jimin emphasizes.

"Yaaas!" Taehyung squealed. "You can wear anything in there sis. Go off." Jimin says glad he made him happy. "Oh my gosh your literally the best." "Hah I know I know." Jimin says crossing his arms.

Jimin went out the room and waited for him to change. Taehyung came out with a red noodle strapped tank top with white ripped jeans and a light blue jean jacket. Jimin widens his eyes. "Omg you look so cute!" He says squealing. (Jimin is wearing an oversized black and white striped crop top with ripped jeans and boots and a beanie) "Thanks. Now let's go!" Taehyung yells running outside. "Wait for me hoe." Jimin chuckles.

They both ran outside and then Taehyung said "So you can spawn what ever car you want." Taehyung said looking at jimin. "Yep. These bitches just don't like me doing it because they are too scared to fight mini demons." Jimin says basically just dragging the other members.

"What car should we spawn?" "I'm thinking like... mmm Maybe a convertible?" "Hmm alright gotcha. Now what color." "White." "Alright sis now watch and learn." Jimin smirks. Then he closed his eyes and seemed to be concentrating and then snapped his fingers an a white convertible popped out of thin air and keys in Jimins hand.

"That was so cool!" Taehyung says clapping. "I know heh." They got in the car and then heard little yapping. "The fuck?" Jimin said and looked behind him. "OH MY GOSH ITS A CUTE LITTLE PUPPY THAT SPITS OUT FIRE!" Taehyung said with literal sparkling eyes, the dog barked out and it sent fire down to a poor flower, burning it to ashes. "Oh my gosh FUCK YES!" Jimin yelled picking up the puppy from the backseat. "We are now your owners." Jimin says and puts the exited puppy in the back on the floor so it dosnt get blown away from the wind since the car has no roof. "Ready for this ride hoe?" Jimin says starting up the car. "Hell yea bitch!" Taehyung says pumping his fists up while the car lifts up and flies over the woods and crashes onto the ground driving away.

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