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Taehyung woke up with a pounding headache that he couldn't open his eyes but he could hear. He groaned from the unbearable pain but he also heard distant yelling. "nAMJOON YAH, WHY IN THE HECK DID YOU HIT A BOY IN THE HEAD WITH A PAN HE HAS A CONCUSSION FOR F*CKS SAKE!" A voice said in distress, "IM SORRY OK HE SCARED ME." "YEAH BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN YOU NEED TO KNOCK HIM DOWN AND IN THE PROCESS BREAK MY PAN." 'Wow' Taehyung thought. That dude must love his pan. Then Taehyung thought for a minute. Namjoon, he assumed, was the mysterious guys name who knocked him down with a pan and then broke it? Taehyungs thoughts came to an end when he heard a creaking door open.

He finally opened his eyes and looked up to see a shirtless man with abs, and wet bleached hair with red demon horns poking out the crown ends of his head and a tail poking out from the side, starring down at me with his hands in his pockets. "Wha-hargabraglaragehvfksj" Taehyung made inhuman noises not being able to take the hotness he is witnessing. Is he going crazy? He thought.

Then he heard another creaking noise that sounded like footsteps to see another boy shirtless aswell, with black hair and black furry ears poking out, a black wolf looking tail swinging side to side. All taehyung could do was stare at the unreal looking men looking at him. "Hey? Are you alive or dead now?" Said the blonde demon. "I-I uhh" Taehyung responded. "He's alive jimin...." then all of a sudden a pale man floated in the room with no expression. Then his eyes glinted a dark red and he opened his mouth and sharp fangs spiked out his already sharp canines, and taehyung screamed and stiffened his neck and covered his face. When the vampire bit down on his....shirt?

Taehyung shot open his eyes and looked down to see the he assumed vampire suck the red out his shirt, his shirt draining out of color. What the hell? He thought. Another man with pink hair, ran in and yelled "MIN YOONGI, HOSEOK DIDNT PICK ALL THOSE RED APPLES FOR NO REASON, SO SUCK THOSE NOT OTHER RED THINGS" the man yelled "WELL WHO TOLD HIM TO GET THEM? PLUS I DID SAY IM NOT MAKING ANY PROMISES THAT ILL JUST SUCK THE RED APPLES." Yoongi argued back. "uGH" Jin groaned out.

Then a boy with red hair came through walking in. He looked like an angel. "ohh~ here comes the good little boy." Jimin said in a cocky voice. "IM NOT LITTLE BOY. IM TALLER THAN YOU." the angel looking boy yelled and smacked the demon in the back just to earn a chuckle back. Taehyung just watched the whole scene with wide eyes unlike a certain wolf boy. He was starring at Taehyung with wide sparkly eyes and a blush painted across his cheeks.

'I want him to have my puppies' Jungkook thought. Then Jin yelled out "EVERYBODY HUSH. LETS INTRODUCE OUR SELFS." Jin yelled out. "Hey I'm Jin I'm a witch this is jungkook," Jin pointed to the black wolf hybrid, "he's the wolf that carried you back here, this is hoseok," he gestured towards the fuming boy, face all red and starring at the cocky vampire that was smirking at him," he is a fallen angel-" "woah woah woah. Wait." Taehyung interrupted. "You guys are all like, mythical huminoid creatures?" Taehyung sat up while looking in confusion, at the lazy vampire king, mad angel, cocky demon, clumsy and cute incubus, a mother like witch, and last but not least, the love struck wolf.

"Yep. You got it right." "Wh-what I-" "hey hey don't worry we are harmless alright? Unless you ruin our environment in a way." "U-um I-I wont I think I should get back home-" "oh you are wayyy far from home. So in the meanwhile your with us, introduce yourself to us?" Jimin suggested. "Um... I'm Kim Taehyung I'm 18..." Taehyung introduced himself.

"Taehyung....taehyung" Jungkook chanted in his head. "H-hey Taehyung I-im Jungkook!" The already whipped wolf boy said and came up to his face and licked Taehyung's face, tail wagging side to side excitedly. Taehyung widened his eyes about to smack the weird whipped wolf man but he was a bit too shy now. Then Jin grabbed jungkook by the ear, jungkook whined and then Jin said, "you should probably go to sleep. Tommorow is going to be a long day. The boogieleeches are on the loose. We need to fight them. Good night Taehyung."

They all went out and Taehyung was left alone. The poor boy still in confusion. They seem pretty nice so I could trust them... right? Later on his thoughts was interrupted with a now not so new creaking sound of the door. He saw a figure with wolf ears and a wagging tail exited again. "U-um this is my room... I have a dog bed though so don't worry I don't have to sleep on the same bed....w-with you.." the figure said shyly.

"S-seems fine to me. Um...just don't bother me ok?" Taehyung said. "O-ok!" Jungkook said happily that Taehyung accepts him. He layed his dog bed down and shape shifted to his wolf form, it's quite big that his clothes teared off. "You can shape shift?" Taehyunf asked, Jungkooks wolf barked but somehow it sent a message to Taehyungs brain that he's saying, "Yeah I connected with my wolf pretty well so I can shape shift whenever." "Woah that's cool. Well I should be going to sleep. Didn't Jin mention that we have to fight off some type of monster?"

"Yeah. The ooga booga palace is like an enemy to us. They unleash their monsters called the boogaleech. Pretty scary. But I'll help you through out the process of beating them!" "Thanks Jungkook." Jungkooks wolf howled as an "Your welcome."

"Good night Jungkook." Taehyung said to the black wolf curled up in a ball on a dog bed. The wolf barked back a message that said "night Taehyung."



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