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Jimin and Taehyung ran down stairs knowing Jin was gonna kill them. Not because of the dyed hair because what is he? Their mom? (basically but like akskdnkt)They didn't need permission and Jin thought they are grown men so they have the right to do what ever as long as it's safe. But messing up his perfectly clean bathroom with pink hair dye is a no go.

"YOU GUYS ARE IN YOUR 20's NOT YOUR 10's. It's ok to dye your hair but only if you know what your doing-" and it was just him lecturing about it and Yoongi and Hoseok looked at Jimin with heart eyes with his new hair color and Jimin caught them starring and he winked and smiled. And Jungkook. Let's just say he was shook to the core.

Taehyung with silver hair was his best era and will forever be. (like every other era lmao but this one was iconic I loved it) Taehyung also put on some red lip tint to make his lips shiny and glossy and red. And plus the outfit he was wearing. A pastel pink shirt saying 'Send dog pics' and just regular black gym shorts. Jungkook looked down at his legs. 'wOw' was all he thought.

"Hey Jin you said your gonna punish them?" Jungkook chimed in. "Yeah with no apple pie. Why?" "Can I do the honors for Taehyungie?" Jungkook said innocently. Oh no what is this boy gonna do Taehyung thought. "Sure I guess? But you guys are gonna clean the bathroom later right? If you do then you can have apple pie. I don't need you guys starving." Jin would never take their apple pie privilegies because it's just messed up to take away food from a human as a punishment.

Then Jungkook put down the bags and bent down and picked up Taehyung by the legs and slapped his butt. "jUNGKOOK LET ME DOWN!" Taehyung yelled kicking his legs around. "Stop it you look like a struggling spider with your freaking long legs." Jungkook says. He mentally laughed at his insult. "WHAT DID U JUst SAY? SHUT UP YOU LOOK LIKE A RETARTed BUNNY YOU DIRTY BUBBLE!" And Taehyung kept yelling insults while Jungkook was like 'wait til we get into the room hoe'

When they were up stairs he threw Taehyung down on the bed. "BITCH I COULD'VE HIT MY HEAD IF I HIT THE WALL WHEN YOU THREW ME DOWN." Taehyung yells. Then Jungkook got in between his legs then grabbed them. And then he spreads them apart enough for him to go in between. "B-boi what are y-you d-doing." Taehyung says furrowing his eyebrows and getting a bit shy.

"Do you like me." Jungkook says boldly while looking into Tae's eyes. He widened his eyes and was like "w-what OW!" He yells when he feels Jungkook stretch out his legs opposite ways, "YOU LIL FUCKER IM NOT FLEXIBLE!" Taehyung cried out. "Alright now Just simply tell me if you like me." Jungkook says calmly. "W-what where'd you get that- I-" then he screamed and flinched when Jungkook spreaded his legs more and slapped his thigh.

"BOI I AM NOT NO NUTELLA YOU CANT JUST SPREAD OUT MY LEGS LIKE THAT." Taehyung yelled out crying because Jungkook is basically almost making him to a middle split. Jungkook had some mercy and closed his legs. "Now tell me. Do you have a crush on me." Jungkook says one more time. "N-no i-I-" then Jungkook spreaded his legs more than before. "O-OW OK Y-YES I DO!" Taehyung yells then sighs in relief when Jungkook stopped.

"Good because I-" then Taehyung tackled Jungkook and straddled him ready to pounce on that boi. He hit Jungkook on the chest and pinches his nipple. "OW OW OW OW TAEHYUNG!" Jungkook says in pain. Man he's strong at pinching. "YOU COULVE BROKE MY LEGS YOU FOOL!" He says not noticing he basically confessed to Jungkook earlier. He was too mad to notice. "IF YOU DID I WOULD RUN YOU OVER WITH MY WHEELCHAIR."

"TAEHYUNG JUST LISTEN!" Jungkook said pinching his hips. "Ow ow ow ok!" Taehyung whined out and let go of Jungkooks nipples. "I like you too. I have a crush on you." Jungkook says looking him in his eyes like he was the only one he adored and loved. Because It's true. Jungkook never really had feelings for anybody else like Taehyung. He's seen many hot girl and guys (he's bi lol) but they just weren't it.

"B-but- why me? AND WHY DID YOU MAKE ME CONFESS LIKE THAT YOU LIL SHIT." Taehyung says and puffs out his cheeks. Jungkook was precious for sure but he was nervous again and was still a bit mad because he almost broke his poor legs. Then jungkook lifted him off his waist and onto the bed and layed on him careful with trying not to put all his weight on him and lays his head on his chest. "I never felt the way I do with you with anybody else." Jungkook says looking up at him. "B-but arent you supposed to have a mate?" Taehyung asks. "Oh yeah about that. I have this rare thing where I don't have a mate. And my dad said good because id make a good ruler. And I didn't want that. I just wanted somebody to love and care about. So one day I was kidnapped but multiple wolves also were. They dropped me without noticing and then Jin came along. I was only six at the time. So at 18 I thought my dad was just talking crap about me having a mate but it's true. I don't. And my heart really hurt that day. Jin and Namjoon tried to set me up with some people but they just weren't it." Jungkook said. Taehyung was already getting teary eyes. "I became to think I was lonely even tho I have all my hyungs but it just felt like half of my heart was gone." Jungkook said almost crying, laying his head on Taehyungs chest and hugged him. "Then I heard Namjoon scream and a huge pang and I saw you. I thought you were cute but I thought you would just be the others but after 30 minutes of you mumbling about flamingoes in your sleep. I thought you were pretty unique. Then we hung out more with you and now. I think I really love you."

"J-jungkook..." Taehyung says and feels bad for the boy that was now crying. "Jungkook..." he says and makes the boy lift up his head, cupping his hands around his cheeks. And felt his heart break when he saw Jungkook crying. 'It's ok. I'm here' Taehyung whispered. It was night time and the window beside Jungkooks bed was showing the full moon. It was beautiful. Jungkook looked at Taehyung, the moonlight shining on his features making Taehyung look more beautiful and perfect to him. "I-I'm sorry you don't have to date me out of pity if you want-" "jungkook you fool." Taehyung says and smacks his back. "Of course I wanna date you." Taehyung says. "And not out of pity." Taehyung smiles.

He thinks he's ready for dating again, especially for Jungkook. Jungkook then switched there position, Taehyung now laying on Jungkook. And then Taehyung kissed Jungkook. Jungkook stopped crying and his heart swelled and he kissed back. He wasn't sure what to do so he just followed what Taehyung did. Taehyung pulled back catching his breathe. "I love you Taehyung." Jungkook says looking at Taehyung so affectionate that I cAnt- "I love you too." Taehyung says.

"OHHH SHIT OUR JUNGKOOK DID IT!" Jin says spying on them. "AHH!" Taehyung yelled blushing. "JIN! NOT RIGHT NOW." Jimin says dragging him away and gave a thumbs up to Taehyung. "JIMIN GET YOUR ASS OVER a HERE!" Taehyung heard hoseok and Yoongi yell. "PRAY FOR ME!" Jimin yells.

They both chuckled. "Good night Tae." Jungkook says kissing the crown of Taehyungs hair. " night' kookie. Ready for our date tomorrow ?" "Mhm." Jungkook says smiling and holding Taehyung close to him.
This is so lovey dovey and soft I hATE IT EEEKNG

If my best friend and friends find out this book or anybody I know reads this book and knows it's me I'm deleting it and jumping out a roof ;-;
This is a short story so about like 5 episodes I'm estimating is left :))

Im sorry If things are going to fast this is a short lil story lol

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