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The two mercenaries stood there stunned. They were shocked that the blonde knew so much considering he insisted he was a civilian last time they met. A few seconds later the two snapped out of it and raced after the blonde.


"Hello Yahiko." The orange haired man looked up from his desk and was shocked to see Yoko standing there with his strange red and yellow bird with a gem embedded into it's chest on his shoulder and Deidara and Sasori behind him.

"Yoko-san, it is good to see you again, but how do you know my name?"

Yoko shrugged, "The same way I knew everybody's names the last time and about you and Nagato." He pointed at a red head with purple eyes. "Magic," All the ninja sweatdropped. "Anyway, you wanted to speak with me?"

"Yes, I wanted to know if you would join us and help us hunt down Tobi."

"I'm sorry, but my answer is no. You see, I already belong to an organization." The blonde turned his head revealing a black tattoo on his neck that could be easily mistaken as a bird or flame making Yahiko frown, "but have you considered allying yourselves with Konoha?"

Yahiko raised an eyebrow at the thought, "You think that's a possibility?"

"Yes, Konoha is aware that you changed careers and they would love to know any thing about Tobi because he was the one who released the nine tails on their village, but if you do go this route could do me a favor and not tell them about me? At least, not specifics because I'm sure they would want the person who stole the tailed demons ... that and they don't know it, but we have a painful history and some issues."

Yahiko nodded, "Of course, we wouldn't be here right now if not for your warning. So we will keep any details about you quiet."

Yoko gave a grateful smile and vanished in a flash of blue light only to reappear in a blue light some distance away. "It has been a while since we saw them, huh Liling."

Liling turned back into her human form, "Yes, master, 6 years."

Flashback 6 years ago

Yoko just finished taking the three tails from and ending the war in Mist. He just left the village with Liling in her bird form perched on his shoulder. He made it to the border when out of nowhere a large sword cut through the air. Yoko jumped and narrowly dodged the blade. He stood and faced his 7 opponents all of which were wearing black cloaks with red clouds.

"You're the one stealing the tailed beasts aren't you? Give them to us!" demanded a blue skinned man.

"Ah! The Akatsuki decided to grace me with their presence. You want the tailed beasts you say? Hmmm how about no, Kisame." said Yoko.

"So you know of me?" smirked Kisame who assumed Naruto reads the bingo book.

"Yes and Sasori, Deidara, Hidan, Konan, Itachi, and Kakuzu. You guys can tell Tobi his plan won't work anymore. I'm not just removing the tailed demons, I'm sealing them into a summoning contract." Yoko smirked as all the Akatsuki members jaws dropped.

"Are you insane!? That means no one can use their power any more without their permission! And they can't be sealed into people any more! Do you know what you've done?!" screamed Konan.

"I destroyed Tobi's moon plan or crescent plan or whatever it is ... you know, when I took the three tails I got a look into his mind. He has a plan B and it involves killing all of you. Don't believe me? Don't care, but if he doesn't freak out when you tell him what I told you or if you see him with a certain snake, run, run as fast as you can."

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