Ice Ice Mama

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Jiraiya was too disgusted to speak so he just nodded and left, leaving two very broken people behind.


Somewhere deep in the forest of Magnolia ...

"Ok. You ready, Dad?" asked Yoko as he finished the magic circle and stood aside next to Liling, Bickslow, Laxus, Freed and Makarov. In Freed's arms was a little girl with blue eyes and auburn hair.

Kurama sat in the circle, "I'm ready!"

Yoko nodded, "Ok, Bickslow is going to hold your soul steady while Liling and I open the gate where your new body is."

"Alright, ... hey why are they here?" The plushy pointed at Laxus and Makarov.

"They're here to make sure I don't accidentally turn you into a bunny or something."

Kurama's eyes widened, "Wait a second! No one told me about possible bunnyfication-"

"Let's begin!" yelled Yoko.

Several things happened at once ...

Bickslow popped Kurama's soul out of the plushy and held it in the middle of the magic circle ...

A portal opened up and a flood of energy consumed the soul ...

The soul became red ...

"THE SHOCK WAVE IS COMING!" yelled Yoko as he saw sparks fly off his Dad's soul.

Everyone got back behind Makarov as he increased in size to block the shock wave and Laxus ate the electricity that sprang from the soul. Kurama's soul was now stable and they just had to wait. It was only a few seconds later a demonic claw sprouted from the soul ... then a furry leg ... then three more furry legs ... fluffy ears ... a snout ... and one by one nine tails appeared. Before they knew it they were staring at a massive demon fox.

Yoko grinned, while his friends jaws dropped, "You look like your old self, Dad!"

Kurama flexed a colossal paw, "Yes, I feel like my old self as well."

"Yay Jiji!" clapped the little girl.

"I'm coming, little kit." The demon chuckled and shrank down to the size of a pony so Freed could set the girl on him. He used chakra to hold the girl to him as he leapt away.

The little girl laughed and cheered, she looked at Yoko, "Come on, Daddy!" Yoko smiled and waved.

Laxus frowned, "You should tell Kaede eventually."

The wizard saint sighed, "I know. She's asked about her mother four times already and ... I don't want to lie. Naruko and I plan on telling her on her fourth birthday. Maybe she'll be young enough to not remember anything when she's older beyond the fact that we didn't lie." Yoko said hopefully.


Mirajane saw everyone enter the Fairy Tail, "It's about time you guys got here, Natsu, Happy, Gray and Lucy stole an S class mission." She exclaimed with worry.

"WHAT?" They all yelled ... except Kaede who was playing with Kurama's tails.

Makarov had a tick mark on his head. "When did this happen?"

"Last night. Evergreen thought she saw Happy near the top floor and when I went to check the mission board this morning after you guys left an S rank was gone." She said.

The guild master yelled, "Someone go get them!"

Yoko sighed, "I'll go grab them." He knelt down next to Kaede. "Kaede, I have to bring back Natsu, ok? Keep your Jiji out of trouble."

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