Naruko's Nostalgia

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The two lovers laid on the ground with Yoko spooning Freed.

"I love you, Yoko."

"I love you, Freed."


Yoko's younger twin sister Naruko was in the attic stacking up her brother's old paintings. Yoko wanted to get rid of them, but he kept putting it off because of missions so Naruko is giving him a hand. She was always amazed at Yoko's talent in painting.

She pulled a painting off the wall and gazed at it. It was painted when they were six. The painting was of a large fox with nine tails and a happy laughing little blonde boy sitting on the fox's back. Naruko giggled and set the painting on the pile and pulled another off the wall. She felt sad when she looked at this painting. It was a painting of the Namikaze compound from the outside. You could see Minato, Kushina and herself eating dinner inside, but there was a small boy outside huddled up next to the door.

Naruko shook her head sadly, "I can't believe how stupid I was, I'd probably still be if it wasn't for that day."

Flashback 11 and a half years ago – five months after Yoko met Liling

"What's wrong, Naruko? You start at the academy tomorrow and become a strong ninja like me and your Mom. You should be happy!" smiled Minato.

"But Daddy, I don't know if I want to be a ninja." said an eight year old Naruko

Minato gave a concerned look, "That's a shame ... who will protect your brother then?"

An eight year old Naruko was worried, "Why? What's wrong with Naruto?"

"Naruto said he didn't want to be a ninja so he isn't going to the academy, but someone should be there to protect him if for some reason your Mom and I can't ... but I won't force you to be a ninja."

"It's ok, Daddy! I'll go to the academy and become really strong to keep big brother safe!" smiled Naruko.

Minato grinned, "Thank you, Naruko! I'm so proud of you ... your Mom and I will be out for a little bit, can you hold down the fort while we're gone?"

Naruko nodded as Kushina came down the stairs wearing a pretty blue dress, "Ready to go, Minato?"

"Yep let's go. Be good, Naruko." The youngest Namikaze smiled as her parents went on their monthly 'date night' whatever that's supposed to mean. Being only eight she didn't understand what that meant.

After a few minutes she got an idea, "I know, I'll go tell Naruto that I'll become strong and protect him."

She went upstairs and knocked on Naruto's door. When she didn't get an answer she went in. Naruko looked and saw that no one was there. She searched all over the house, in the basement, in the study, under Naruto's bed, but found nothing.

Naruko pouted, "Where is big brother? I know, he's outside!" She raced out doors to look for her brother.

She ran towards the park and saw light from a fire. She went to see what is was. As she got closer she heard people yelling 'kill the demon' or 'you deserve to die, monster'. She turned the corner saw the fire were torches and there on the ground was the bloodied and broken body of her brother.

Her whole world seemed to shatter and something inside her snapped. Naruko took one of her kunai, but before she could use it someone grabbed her from behind and dragged her away. Naruko struggled as hard as she could. Her big brother needed her!

"Naruko, calm down! that's just an illusion. They only think they're hurting me!" Naruko stopped struggling and looked at her captor. The person who grabbed her was Naruto!

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