Stress Relief

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"He put them under a genjutsu of sorts, but this is much stronger ... what are we waiting for?" The toad sage whipped out a recorder and they started asking as many questions as possible ... they will get every detail against these people and they're starting with Mikoto ...


Deidara's eyes fluttered open and he slowly got up, "Whoa ... what happened last night?" He gasped as he looked around the room. Loki was naked and sleeping on the couch. Freed was naked and trying to get up out of the chair. Sasori was naked and spread across the dining room table. Jellal was limping out of a bedroom wearing a pair of loose pants and sporting several love bites going down his chest ...

"After the party last night Yoko started getting worried about what Minato and Kushina will find out so Kurama gave him a drink of sake ... I think he got drunk ... do you need help getting up, Deidara?" asked Jellal.

"No I don't- ow!" A sharp pain in his ass stopped him. "On second thought I could use a hand." He said and blushed as he noticed he was naked as well.

"Where's Yoko anyway?" asked Freed as he tried to get up. "I think Yoko paralyzed me."

Jellal frowned, "I only just got up so I don't know-oof!" As he helped Freed he slipped bring himself, Deidara and Freed crashing to the ground. Thankfully, something broke their fall ...

"YOKO!" The three saw that it was in fact their blonde lover who was holding them up.

"Hey guys, I was checking on Kaede ... the silencing seals worked well. She didn't hear a thing. Have you guys seen Dad? I need to strangle him." grumbled Yoko.

"Now Yoko, he was concerned about you. Does he even know what would happen if you drank?" asked Loki as he woke up.

Yoko twitched, "Oh he knows." muttered the blonde mage as he gently carried Sasori to his new room and put him in the bed.

The green haired mage sighed, "That's right. The incident 7 years ago. Kurama and Zabuza gave you a drink and you ended up painting the entire town orange. Laxus had to knock you out before the Master came back from his meeting ... why did they give you alcohol back then anyway?" asked Freed.

"I was nervous about something ..." muttered Yoko.

The rune master looked confused, "Nervous about what?" he asked as he and the others went to dress.

"I ... Naruko told me that you liked me, but her instincts aren't always reliable about those kinds of things so I didn't know for sure. I wanted to ask you out on a date, but didn't know how to or if you even really liked me." said Yoko. Freed blushed and remembered that Yoko kissed him the next day after talking to Laxus. Laxus was their friend so he must've cleared some things up.

Sasori groaned and came limping out of his room wearing pants, "What happened last night?" His eyes were slightly glazed over.

"It went something like this" said Yoko ...


Deidara smiled as he gazed at the castle in front of them, "Wow ... so this is Fairy Tail." He and Sasori followed Yoko, Naruko and the other mages into the castle where an amazing party was ready for the twins. The mercenaries met little Kaede and became wrapped around her finger when they first saw those big blue eyes. After meeting Makarov and getting the Fairy Tail mark applied to their skin the wild party began ...

"The parties here never disappoint." The former ninjas turned and their jaws dropped when they saw a fox with nine tails perched on the counter. "Yes it is I! Kurama the terrifying and vicious nine tailed demon fox with my demon siblings!" The fox pointed at the dance floor where small versions of the other demons were dancing ... even Shukaku and the raccoon could really dance!

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