A Friend

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Far under konoha, there is a large stone network of ancient ruins, old buildings that have long since been forgotten. In one of these rooms there is a beautiful wooden alter with a large leather bound book in the center.

*Drip splat!*

Some liquid fell from the ceiling and hit the book. The book started to glow and change into a young girl. She is a very cute girl with pink eyes and black hair pulled back in to a bun with sticks. She was wearing a blue short sleeve Chinese style dress that went down to about mid thigh and has slits on both sides going up to her hips. The dress is decorated with red flower patterns and she wore matching blue slipper shoes and has a red silk sash tied around her waist. The girl also has a small pair of angel wings on her back, which explains why she's floating a foot off the ground.

"Hello, my name is Liling and you are my new ma-master?" The girl now known as Liling looks around and sees that no one is there.

"What no one is here? That is very odd! My old master made it very clear that only the blood of his descendent could wake me and the one who wakes me is my new master."

*Drip splat*

Liling turns in the direction of the sound and sees that there is some dark liquid on the altar where she was in her book form.

She wiped the substance with her finger. It was blood! Her master's blood! Her master was injured! Liling, who was now on the verge of panic, teleported to the surface world.


A Few Miles Outside Konoha ...

Liling appears in the middle of a forest.

"I must find my master!" She spreads her arms wide and closes her eyes, "Detect!" Her hands glow pink for a few seconds. Her eyes snapped open "That way!"

She races off!

After a few seconds she came to an open area where it looks likes a battle was fought there recently. The smell of blood and burnt flesh was everywhere. There was a legless body tied to a tree. Whoever it was died in an explosion. Liling touched the body and to her horror it was her master. She knelt on the ground and cried.

The body started to glow red and Liling could sense a demonic presence.

A demonic voice spoke, "Insolent creature! Get away from this boy or I will kill you for trying to harm him!"

Liling glared, "My name is Liling and how dare you accuse me of hurting this boy. He is my master and I will never hurt or betray my master!"

"Master? Wait your scent ... you're a warlock familiar. You are bound to this child? Good, at least, I know he will be taken care of. Listen Liling, things may look bad for little Yoko, that's his name, but I can still save him. However, I will die in the process. Give him a message for me. Tell him I am happy I met him and proud to call him my son."

The red energy engulfed the body and faded moments later revealing an 8 year-old blonde boy with whisker marks. She felt the demonic presence die. Soon after she scooped up her master and teleported back to the ruins.

Liling found a large room and tucked Yoko into the king sized bed. She then went to find some food for little Yoko. She returned with an assortment of food like eggs, bacon, toast, and other things just as Yoko was waking up.

"Uhg ... what happened?" groaned the little blonde.

"You nearly died. When I saw that you were ok I brought you here." smiled Liling.

"Who are you?" The blonde asked suspiciously.

"My name is Liling, it is a pleasure to meet you, Yoko."

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