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Mystogan's hand touched the fabric of his face mask ...


Lahar watched the mage's fingers caress the fabric and begin pulling the mask off, but then ...

"MOMMY!" Kaede ran into the guild with her hands cupped as if she was holding something and Simon followed in after her ."I found a red seashell!"

Out of shear instinct Mystogan picked up the little girl, "Those are rare ... did you make a wish?" Kaede giggled and nodded.

"What's going on here?" Simon whispered. The frown Erza gave him was all he needed to understand the situation. The Magic Council was looking for Jellal. He pushed magic into his hand and got ready to cast a darkness spell to get Jellal out of there the second the Mystogan disguise was removed.

The leader of the soldiers adjusted his glasses, "I'm sorry little girl, but we have business with Mystogan." It was easy to see that even Lahar and his subordinates were affected by Kaede's big blue eyes.

"I'm her father ... come on Kaede." said Yoko as he carefully took the girl out of Mystogan's arms and stepped off to the side. Liling smirked as she sat on a table ...

"Very good, now Mystogan. Remove your mask." Lahar ordered as he watched the others reactions out of the corner of his eye, but strangely enough everyone looked calm now ... Mystogan reached up and pulled the fabric down ...

The face that was revealed was not that of Jellal! The person under the Mystogan disguise looked very similar, but had white hair, green eyes and a flower petal birthmark on their cheek instead of the distinctive tribal mark over the eye like Jellal has.

Lahar blushed lightly, "Thank you for your cooperation. Everyone move out."

Once all the soldiers left Naruko smirked, "Nice slide of hand with that seal, brother." She said as Yoko went over to Mystogan. Mystogan held out his that had a seal on his wrist. Yoko removed the seal with Kaede still in his arms. The second the seal was removed the white hair turned blue, the green eye turned black and the flower petal mark was replaced with a tribal birthmark ... it was Jellal.

"Actually it's because of Kaede that I even had the chance to get the seal on him. Thank you, Kaede." Yoko kissed her forehead making the little girl smile even though she had no idea what she did.

"Jellal looked like a girl!" Natsu laughed and several others started laughing.

Jellal blushed with a tick mark on his temple, "It was the seal! It completely changed my appearance!"

"Technically, I didn't have time to make a seal that greatly altered your appearance. I only made little changes- ... never mind." Yoko chuckled nervously as his blue haired love shot him a death glare that told him to shut up.

Kurama sighed, "I think I got a few gray furs because of that ... stupid Magic Council."

Makarov nodded, "I know what you mean, but that's over so let's get back to what we were talking about. It's time for the S-class wizard promotion test!" Everyone cheered especially Natsu, "and the contestants this year are ... Juvia, Gray, Natsu, Wendy, Levy, Freed and Elfman! You will each get chose a partner over the next couple days then a boat will take everyone to Tenrou island!"

"And that's my cue. Hey Laxus, Dad, time to go!" said Yoko as he set Kaede in Jellal's arms again and kissed her cheek.

Kaede giggled, "Where are you going, Daddy?"

Yoko smiled, "Laxus, Dad and I are going to Tenrou ahead of everyone to set up the test." Natsu and Gray paled slightly. That means the test won't be easy at all. Yoko kissed each of his lovers and wished Freed good luck before disappearing in a blue flash with Laxus and Kurama ...

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