Tower of Truth

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"Everyone! Follow the dragon slayer!" said Gray and they were off ...


"Seriously, Natsu?" frowned Gray as the pink haired wizard became completely useless the second they hit water.

Yoko twitched, "Hey Dad, can you point out the way from here?"

"Of course, turn east a little then keep going straight ... why are you here miss ...?"

The blue haired woman next to Gray blushed, "I'm Juvia, I was a member of Phantom, but I want to join Fairy Tail."

Naruko smiled, "Awesome! It's always fun to have a new member, you'll get in no problem." She gave the thumbs up making Juvia smile.

"Whoa ... what's that?!" exclaimed Freed as the party came towards an incredibly tall and creepy looking tower.

"I don't know, but this is where Kaede and Erza are being held ... what do you think, Yoko?" asked the fox demon.

"We go in, but you stay out here, Dad. Once Kaede and Erza are safe we're going to need a little demolition." said the blonde with a smirk which was mimicked by his sister and demon father. They drifted closer to the tower. "Alright, let's move!"

Everyone went into the tower leaving Kurama to inspect the tower, "Now where's the best place to sink my fangs?"


"Would you be quiet!" yelled a young man at the crying little girl.

Erza glared as she silently worked to sever her bonds with a chakra scalpel, "Don't yell at Kaede. She's scared."

"Oh, and since when do you care sister?" snapped the young pale blonde with dark tan skin.

"I don't know what Jellal told you, Sho, but it clearly wasn't the truth!" She felt the ropes tying her hands fall away and she rushed Sho ... he was knocked out quickly. "It's ok, Kaede. Your Daddy is here." said Erza as she picked up the little girl.

"H-he is?" She sniffled.

"Yes, I can sense him." She ran out of her cell and towards the room she sensed her friends. As she got closer she heard the sounds of running towards the coming from a corridor. "Hold on tight Kaede." She used requip to bring out two swords and prepared to fight.

"There's the bitch!" yelled one guard ... he didn't see the tick mark appear on Erza's temple ...


"I'm not in the mood for this." growled Yoko as he knocked out several more guards. After defeating them a ladder came down from the mouth of one statue, "I think that's an invite, shall we?" Everyone moved up the ladder ...

Freed looked at Yoko, "Is something wrong, Yoko?"

"There's something weird with this building ... not only can't I summon my doors I also can't teleport ... the only time this happened was because of a huge group of lacrima disrupting my magic." said Yoko.

Liling nodded her feathery head, "Yes, but where are the lacrima? That's the question and why would so many be located here?"

Loki frowned, "That is an unnerving question. I also don't like how we were just basically invited in."

Yoko nodded, "Me neither." Despite the feeling of a trap they headed up the ladder and into a lavish dining room where Natsu and Gray started gorging themselves on food that was just sitting there.

"You guys shouldn't scarf down food like that." said Lucy and she turned out to be right when she had to use the Heimlich on Natsu who ate too fast ...

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