My Celestial Spirit

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Yoko looked a little stunned, but then smiled, "Next time you won't be three sheets to the wind when we kiss." He left the room and took Freed to their room for the night.


"Hey Loki, what's with the new get up?" asked Makarov as the orange haired wizard entered the guild hall wearing a suit with a red tie and even had a different hair style.

"I'll explain later, Master. Where is Yoko?"

"He, Freed and Kurama are having a picnic with Kaede on the other side of town." Loki thanked him and left.


"YAY! Higher Daddy higher!" Yoko chuckled and jumped to a higher branch with the little girl on his shoulders giggling wildly.

"It's about lunch time, want to eat now?" called Freed

Kaede blushed as she felt her tummy rumble, "Ok."

Yoko landed on the ground next to a picnic basket with a blanket spread out and set the girl down, "Hey Dad, we're eating now- ... seriously ..."

Kurama was completely stretched out with his tails fanned out soaking up the sun, "Five more minutes!" The fox mumbled sleepily.

The demon's son, granddaughter and Freed just laughed at the sight as they set up the food. Sure enough Kurama woke at the smell of food and soon joined them.

"Wow this is good! *munch* What is it?" asked Kurama as he chowed down throwing small bits of food everywhere.

The blonde wizard smirked, "Naruko's first experiment with the flying fish."

"WHAT? So you gave it to me? Why?"

"Oh calm down. It was good, wasn't it?" Yoko chuckled.

"... well ... yeah, really good ... but I still don't want to be the test subject!" Kurama pouted, but then continued scarfing down his food.

Freed popped a piece of fish in his mouth, "This is good, she really knows her stuff!"

Yoko grinned, "Yep, I'm telling you, if she goes into the food industry she'd make a killing."

After a peaceful meal Kaede started playing with Kurama as Freed sat laid in the grass next to Yoko and listened to the birds.

The rune user shifted so his head was on the blonde's chest, "Hey Yoko."

"Yeah?" asked the blonde as he wrapped arm around his green haired lover.

"You know that thing you told me about ... the kiss between you and Loki. I just want you to know that I would be fine with you having other lovers."

The blonde slightly tightened his embrace around Freed, "Are you sure? If it bothers you I won't do it-"

A smile graced the green haired wizard's face, "I know, that's why I trust you."

"YOKO! We need to talk!" Loki came out of the forest.

"That suit looks great on him. If he doesn't kill me first I'll kiss him." said the blonde wizard as the pissed off celestial spirit waited for him.

"I did warn you about sticking your nose in other peoples' business, love." said Freed as his lover went into the forest to talk with Loki in private.

The wizard saint turned to face the irate celestial spirit, "Hey Loki-"

"You talked to the celestial king." stated Loki.

"Well ... technically it was Lucy. I just dropped her off. She wailed on him, it was scary!" said Yoko with a mix of pride and fear.

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