Creating a Castle

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Naruko opened the open to Fairy Tail and her jaw dropped in shock, "What the hell?" She whispered in an astonished voice. "What happened?" ...


Yoko looked toward the stairs leading out of the guild's basement and saw his sister walk down, "Oh crap. Naruko, I'm sorry. I forgot to move the painting." He said as he changed his grip on Kaede who has remained asleep and blissfully unaware of what was going on.

"It's fine, but what is going on? It looks like a tornado carrying pillars of steel crashed into the guild." asked the worried blonde girl as Mirajane came over.

Mirajane frowned as she kissed her lover, "It was Phantom."

"Seriously?" gasped Naruko. "I know we're at odds, but this is extreme! Where is Freed?"

"He's outside with Dad, Levi and Loki. They're setting up some defenses while we figure out what to do." explained the wizard saint.

Reedus walked over to Yoko, "Yoko, I think I have a solution for fixing the guild."

"You do?" asked Yoko urging the fellow artist to explain.

"Wee, we could combine my plot magic and your portal magic to create a new guild." said Reedus

"That could work! Hey Liling," The familiar fluttered over in her human form. "Could you take Kaede for me? Naruko is busy."

Liling giggled as she saw Naruko kissing Mirajane, "Of course, master." She said as she carefully picked up the girl.

"Now, we'll need a canvas." He vanished in a white flash and reappeared seconds later with a huge blank canvas, "Ok, now what do you guys want-"

Natsu, Gray, Erza, Happy and Lucy came running into the basement, "WHAT HAPPENED-" *BAM*

Makarov squashed Natsu with his expanded fist, "Not so loud Natsu, Kaede is asleep."

Erza sighed, "What did happen, Master?" She asked ignoring the pink haired male embedded in the floor.

"Phantom tried to destroy the guild while everyone was out, but Yoko and Reedus have a plan to fix the guild." said the aging wizard as the two artists set up the canvas and got out some paints.

Yoko smiled, "Ok any ideas on how the new Fairy Tail should look?" Several suggestions came up and it was decided that the new guild would be a large castle.

Lucy watched in fascination as the two painters created a beautiful masterpiece and then Yoko channeled his magic into it. At first, it looked like nothing happened, but then she walked around the painting and was stunned to find it was now 3 dimensional!

"Wow, it's amazing!" smiled Lucy, she turned and noticed Naruko was gone. "Where did Naruko go?"

Grey pointed to the door, "She left to spy on Phantom."

"By herself?! Is that a good idea?" asked a worried celestial wizard as Freed, Loki and Levy. Jet and Droy immediately take Levy's side as Liling hands Freed the sleepy girl.

"don't worry about Naruko, she's a tough cookie and is excellent in stealth. I doubt anyone will notice she's there ... it's done Reedus, you're up."
Every single person left the basement ... or was dragged in Natsu's case who was still out cold, and piled out into the street except for Yoko and Reedus. A few minutes ticked by and nothing happened. Then the ground started to shake ... the rubble that was once their guild started floating into the air. A bright flash of light and suddenly there was a huge stone castle in its place.

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