Chapter One☑️

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New York 2012

Fury wouldn't let her help them! He said she wasn't ready and honestly that made her angry. Yeah , she was still only 19 but that didn't mean she couldn't help!

Amidst all of the chaos though , she managed to slip from the small apartment she was currently staying in and head to the city. She could hear the aliens long before she could see them.
Her normally cold skin felt hot with excitement as she hid behind the ruins of a market and breathed deeply.

They are the reason Clint was mind-controlled.
They are the reason Coulson is dead.
That bloody Loki... it's his fault. His and his aliens.

You got this. It's gonna be fine.

She kept repeating the last words inside her head like a mantra before jumping from her hiding spot and run until she found some aliens trying to break into a building where some civilians were hiding.

"Hey! You big ugly lizards!" she shouted at the reptilian-like creatures while throwing whatever rock she could find. The aliens turned around and growled at her. "Yes, I'm talking to you, you-" before she could finish her insult one of them fired their weapon her way. She ducked down just in time as the blast soared right above her head.

"Well shit I didn't think this through." she mumbled as the aliens dashed to her.
She turned on her heels and bolted down the street with the aliens hot on her trail. She took a sharp turn and dived in an alley right as they rushed past her. Taking a ragged breath as she quietly laughed to herself she peaked around the corner for the creatures. They were standing a few feet away looking around in confusion probably wondering where had the human girl disappeared.

"I'm right here." she purred behind them, her red hair catching the light of the sun, illuminating a red halo around her head.

As the creatures turned around reading their guns to shoot at her , she raised both her hands with a smirk.


Steve was helping some civilians get to safety when an old lady grabbed his arm.
"They were right outside, trying to get in, we would all be dead if it weren't for her, this girl! But she ran away and these-these things followed her!" she breathed out looking worried.
"Calm down ma'am, just point me the way they ran to and I'll find her," he told her in a calm voice. The old lady raised a trembling hand and Steve didn't miss a beat as he ran in the direction she pointed him.

He was nearing the end of the street when a girl turned around the corner and bumped into him. They both jumped back in surprise and stared at each other. She was wearing black ripped jeans, yellow converse and ironically , a blue hoodie with his shield and his superhero name written in bold red letters.
The girl couldn't believe her eyes.
Captain freaking America was standing right in front of her!

 𝑨𝒕𝒚𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒂 [Steve Rogers] On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now