Chapter Eleven

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The lifeboats had landed on the edge of the floating city

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The lifeboats had landed on the edge of the floating city. Renata was running back and forth, helping families board the small airships as more and more touched ground around the city or rather what was left of it. Some lifeboats were already full and returning to the Helicarrier.

Renata jumped on top of a car and looked around.
There were still too many people left, they had to evacuate at a faster pace and they had to figure out how to bring the flying city down without any casualties.

"Thor, I got a plan." Tony's voice sounded at Renata's ear.

"We're out of time. They're coming for the core." was the Norse God's answer and Renata felt her breath hitch.

"Rhodey, get the rest of the people on board that carrier." Renata looked up and sure enough, she saw another Iron Man suit, this one grey and silver flying over her head. She was so worried about getting people on the lifeboats that she had completely missed the fact that Rhodey was here.
"Avengers, time to work for a living."

As Renata heard Tony's words her stomach bubbled with excitement and she jumped off the car's hood. Wanda appeared next to her and the two girls looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Ready, Barton?" there was a flirtatious tone in her voice.

The other girl didn't miss a bit as she grabbed the witch's hand, a bold move from her part but the other didn't seem to complain. A small blush tinting both of their faces as Renata gripped her hand tighter and they started running towards the church that Ultron was, excitement and electricity between them.

The weaved through the city quickly, never letting go of each other as they both tagged and pulled each other out of debris' way.

Renata was usually never this forward with showing affection to other people. But the girl tagging at her right hand had been able to warm her way to her heart very fast.
Truth be told, she saw some of herself in Wanda. The two of them were very much alike. After all, being experimented on for years only to gain abilities that you couldn't understand at first is something that can be very heavy on someone.
Both girls had trouble reaching their full potential, mainly being held back by the fear of what could happen were they to lose control.

Wanda wanted to harness her powers, she wanted to push herself to the limits, but she knew that sometimes the red mist was more powerful than her. She feared that she could hurt the only person she truly cared for in her life, Pietro. But on the other hand , she wanted to be able to do greater things with her powers so could protect her brother.
She didn't fully trust the Avengers, maybe Renata a little bit more but if push came to shove she wouldn't hesitate to do everything in her power to help and keep her brother out of harm's way.

 𝑨𝒕𝒚𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒂 [Steve Rogers] On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now