Chapter Six☑️

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Fury send a jet to get them back to the Avengers Tower

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Fury send a jet to get them back to the Avengers Tower.
Renata couldn't shake the memories Wanda showed her out of her mind. Her left feet was bouncing and she kept braiding and unbraiding her hair in order to keep her hands busy but nothing seemed to help. She placed her hands on her knees and let the frost creep up on her hands.

She could hear her screams , echoing in her mind.
She could taste blood , her blood.
She could feel the knot in her throat and her eyes filling with tears.
She could see the tips of her fingers slowly being covered by ice.

Renata felt her throat closing and it was getting harder and harder to breath.

Suddenly someone put their hands over her frozen ones. A single tear ran down her cheek and the person before her held her hands tighter. She raised her head and came face to face with Wanda. Her lips were pursed and her eyes seemed worried.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." She whispered.

"It's okay , it's not your fault." Renata replied her voice barely above a whisper removing her hand from Wanda's grasp.

"I can make the pain and the memories go away if you want."

"You don't have to."

"It's the least I can do. Please , let me help you." Her accent was thick and her voice sincere.

Renata lifted her head higher and looked around the jet.
Pietro , it was obvious he was listening in on their conversation but he kept his gaze forward. Steve on the other hand was looking straight at her.
When their eyes met she felt a bit more calm and the weight on her shoulders was lifted.
Steve nodded slowly as he moved closer to her.

"Let's do it." She said looking at Wanda.

The witch raised her hand and touched Renata's cheek.

She could feel her cheek burning and her heart was beating so fast she felt like it was about to explode. Her eyes briefly traveled to Wanda's lips before locking with her eyes again.

"Close your eyes." She whispered.

Renata did as she was told and quickly she was launched into another vision memory brought to light by Wanda.

She was now in a beach.
She could feel the warm sand under her feet and the warmth of the sun on her skin.
From the distance children's laughter was heard , along with the waves of the ocean crashing in the sand.

As the young girl turned her head around she noticed a family of four near the water's edge. They were all laughing , they seemed so happy. The father turned his head around and looked at Renata who was standing further up a hill.

"Come on , what are you waiting for?"

But she didn't move. Instead she just sat down , bringing her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them.

The family noticed her movement and started to make their way towards her.
The two children , a boy and a girl , sat down next to her while the father kneeled in front of her , his wife next to him.

"Renata it's okay." Clint said to her.

"Aren't you afraid of me being near your family? Fury said it before , I don't play well with others , Clint , I'm an experiment , E3 , as Fury so kindly put it. I am dangerous. I still have troubles with my powers, I don't know how to use them fully or properly and I can't lose control because-"

"I trust you and I believe in you , we all do." Clint replied while his family nodded along. "Remember how before the Battle of New York I kept joking about adopting you? Well I wasn't joking. You know it. We chose your new name together. Your name is Renata Barton , never forget that , you are a part of this family!"

As Renata opened her eyes again , she couldn't help the small smile that slowly appeared on her face.

"I should apologize about almost killing you earlier... My past life wasn't easy. I had a hard time dealing with it , sometimes I still do actually. It's just that...I..." she took a deep breath before looking back at Wanda. "Sorry about earlier and thank you for what you did now."

The two girls smiled at each other as Wanda nodded her head.

Renata was feeling happier. Her heart was still pounding like crazy as her shoulder brushed Wanda's but her mind kept replaying one of her favorite memories that Wanda showed her; the first time she became part of a family.

Her smile grew a bit wider when she locked eyes with Steve , noticing his own grin , she felt almost safe.

Keyword , almost.
She couldn't help the feeling of worry pooling inside her stomach, her hand quickly going to her earpiece.

"Is anyone copying?"


Steve sat down on her side and tried to communicate with the other members of his team but no one responded.

"I'm sure everything is fine , don't worry." Steve murmured.

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?"

He turned his head and looked the side of her face before she turned around and looked him straight in the eyes.

Steve gave a little nod before whispering "Both."


A small filler for now.

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