Chapter Four☑️

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As they returned home , Renata climbed the staircase and went into her room

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As they returned home , Renata climbed the staircase and went into her room. She opened her closet and took out some clothes.

"Hey Nat!" she started to say when Natasha appeared in her door and handed her a suit and a duffel bag with a smirk.

"I got you , Ren." Natasha always knew that this moment was inevitable. The young girl was still insecure and her control over her powers was greatly affected by said insecurities but she would do anything to help the people she cared for.

"Thanks." Renata smiled as a reply to her best friend as she exited her room.

The suit fitted like a glove even if she wished it was a bit more loose. She shoved the rest of her stuff in the bag and turned to leave her room when her eyes caught the picture over her bed.

Held up with a piece of duct tape was a picture of her , the Bartons and Natasha last Christmas.
Laura had set up the camera and dragged everyone in front of the Christmas tree. She stood in the back with Clint who had an arm around her waist , his head resting on her shoulder. Sitting in front of them on the floor were Natasha and Renata with Lila sprawled over their legs and Cooper in the middle , one arm around Natasha and the other pulling at Renata's hair.

They looked like a normal family.

Clint and Laura were smiling at the camera like proud parents , Lila and Cooper were making silly faces , Natasha was laughing-a small reserved smile but it was still there-at Cooper who had a handful of Renata's hair in his hand , pulling it towards the floor and the photo had captured Renata with her facing Cooper , sticking her tongue out.

She could remember it like they took the photo yesterday.
Right after the picture was taken , Cooper bolted away screaming with Renata hot on his trail trying to tickle him for pulling her hair. She caught him and Lila jumped on her back smacking her head with a teddy bear as they collapsed on the couch in laughter.

With the memory still on her mind, she made her way downstairs as the Avengers were getting out of the house.

"Please be careful Renny." Laura said with a worried look gracing her pretty face as she hugged Renata tightly.

"When am I not careful Laur?" she said with a small laugh as she hugged her back.

Truth be told , Renata was nervous , she didn't fully understand what she was going up against with but that wouldn't stop her from kicking some ass.

She boarded the jet with Clint , Natasha and Steve after refusing to go back to the tower with Banner and Stark.

"So do you have any experience in field?" asked Steve , his eyes following the girl as she looked in awe around the jet.

 𝑨𝒕𝒚𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒂 [Steve Rogers] On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now