Chapter Three☑️

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Renata walked out of the house with long , confident strides , the Avengers and Nick Fury following close behind her

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Renata walked out of the house with long , confident strides , the Avengers and Nick Fury following close behind her.

"Can please someone tell me what's going on?" Tony asked from the back of the group , eyeing the young redhead in the front.

"You'll see." Natasha turned to him with a grin on her face.

As they neared the lake , Renata stopped walking and turned to look at them.

"I know you've seen a lot , but please keep an open mind," she begged them as backed into the lake.

Their confused looks quickly changed as they witnessed Renata walking on top of the water , not sinking ,  her eyes still glued to them. She turned around and bend her knees , crouching down , the water still holding her up as she extended her hand and dipped her fingers in the lake.

 She turned around and bend her knees , crouching down , the water still holding her up as she extended her hand and dipped her fingers in the lake

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She slowly raised her hand back again and the water started to rise.

She straightened her body and lifted her hand above her head , the water rising higher and higher until it was so high that it blocked the view of the moon , trapping the moonlight in the soft waves that seemed to dance in the air.
Then she lifted her other arm and spread them apart like wings and the narrow body of water expanded , blocking fully the lake and casting a blue-silver light on them.

Tony and Bruce couldn't quite grasp how that was possible , they looked at the girl and the water floating before them as a wall , their mouths open in awe and their eyes wide.

Clint , Natasha and Fury were swelling with pride , for long gone was the 15-year-old girl they had found , afraid and barely able to use her powers without crying.

And Steve... Steve has never seen anything so beautiful before. His heart was exploding , he felt overwhelmed yet calm at the sight of the high water in front of him.

Suddenly , Renata clenched her fists and the water started to come down on them but before it would engulf them , she opened her fists again , facing them upwards and the water turned into ice.

Like the ice Steve had seen three years ago in New York.

Renata finally turned around to face them.

"Now you know. Steve was right , I had something to with the iced Chitauri back in New York." she said quietly.

"Maybe you should change your name to Queen Elsa." Tony murmured , eyes looking at the sharp edges of the ice a few feet above their heads.

Renata just rolled her eyes and moved closer to the group.

Clint hugged her tightly
"I'm so proud of you Ren..." he whispered in her ear.

"But how is that possible?" asked Bruce as they all examined the ice "It's like you are-"

"Hydrokinetic, cryokinetic?" she asked him amused.

"Yes!" he felt like a child and it was Christmas morning "What else can you do?"

"Um, I can keep my breath underwater for a long period of time, can't breathe underwater though which sucks, I can manipulate water; turn it into ice and freeze things..."

"That's what you call over-powered character young lady." Tony said looking at her.

"I wish!" she laughed out "I know I can do more than that , it's just that... I don't know how yet. I can but not on a large scale. That's the most water I've turned into ice actually." she said with a proud grin looking at the tall iceberg.

"Still, over-powered. I'll start calling you Ice Queen." Tony quipped back with a tight smile.

"Well , looks like you can join the team miss Barton." Fury said.

"Thank you Patches." she smiled back at him.

"Don't call me that." he deadpanned and started heading back to the farmhouse.

"Truly amazing Ren , may I call you Ren?" Bruce said pushing his glasses higher up his nose.

"Thank you , Doctor , of course." Renata replied politely.

They smiled to each other and Bruce headed back inside with Natasha and Tony following him.

"Well done , get some rest now because it's going to be dangerous." Clint started to say.

"I know , I know Clint don't worry I'm gonna be fine I can handle anything." she reassured him.

As Clint returned home Steve moved closer to Renata.

"So..." he trailed as he came to stand next to her , watching the ice.

"So." she replied softly not turning to face him.

"I have no words to describe this , I have seen some weird stuff in my lifetime but that's really , something... else."
That's a lie , he could think of many words to describe both the ice in front of him and the girl next to him , their shoulders brushing , one of them is beautiful.

"Thank you I guess." she turned and smiled at him.


If you spot any spelling/grammar mistakes let me know but don't forget to be kind about it!

Any thoughts about what's going to happen next? What do you think of Renata?
I want her relationship with Steve(wherever that might lead) to be a slow burn, what do you think of them so far?

Btw my keyboard keeps autocorrecting Tony to Tiny lol




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