Chapter Ten☑️

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The city kept rising and rising in the air

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The city kept rising and rising in the air.
Renata kept fighting and fighting robots.

She was using and manipulating the water she had taken earlier from under the bridge but it wasn't enough.

She heard a woman scream and when Renata turned around she saw Steve jumping off the bridge; and her heart stopped.
She quickly ran up to the edge and saw him holding onto the broken pavement a few feet away from her , a woman dangling from his left arm.

"Steve!" she shouted as she dropped to her knees and extended her arms.

Steve looked up at her and pulled the woman upwards with all his strength, propelling her towards Renata who caught her and with one swift motion pulled her to her level. She hastily pushed the woman away from the edge of the bridge and was about to turn around for Steve, when a robot grabbed her by the hair and threw her away. She crashed onto a car and the impact caused her breath to leave her body.

She rolled off of its hound and landed shakily on the ground.

"You can't save them all." The robot said as it approached her.
Suddenly Cap's shield hit it on the shoulder and got stuck there.
Renata growled and with two big steps closed the space between her and the robot and grabbed the shield.

"You'll never-"

She pulled it back just as the robot started to say something and quickly used the shield to hit it in its' metallic face and throw it off the bridge.

"Never what? You didn't finish!" Steve called sarcastically as the robot fell.

Renata turned to look at him, one arm covered in ice, the other holding his shield and a smirk etched onto her lips.

"Was that... sarcasm?" a hint of amusement on her voice.

Steve walked towards her with a small smile on his face.

"If you don't wipe that little smirk off of your face, I'll do it myself." he replied as he took his shield from her hand before turning his back to her as Thor dropped a car with civilians next to them.

The two superheroes started to walk away as Renata stood behind, mouth hanging open after hearing Steve's reply.

What was that?


"What was that , Barton?"
Steve asked as he turned around.

 𝑨𝒕𝒚𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒂 [Steve Rogers] On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now