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The think is , she can't remember her biological family

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The think is , she can't remember her biological family.
Her earliest memory seems to be the feeling of cold metal under her almost naked body , a hospital gown clinging onto her flesh like sweat.


She was scared and in pain , so much pain.
Her throat was burning from her screams and tears run down her face.


Mount Olympus , Greece , 2008

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had stormed into the facilities earlier that morning. They were surprised by the lack of guards , only a dozen of them scattered around the labs. It seemed that Hydra wasn't expecting them to find that particular location of their experimenting lab , which was code named Medusa.

Unfortunately , they weren't able to take hostages as both guards and scientists alike had cyanide capsules hidden in their mouths , preferring death over captivity.
Some of the scientists were able to destroy a significant amount of files preventing the agents from understanding what was the purpose of the experiments.

Truth be told , the facility was quite small. Four floors , the first two seemed out of use , dust and spider webs collecting in every room.
The other two floors were ... odd , to say the least.

Natasha Romanoff was in charge of clearing the fourth floor. There were spots on the walls that looked like they had caught fire at some point , and on the cell-like room the back wall had melted , revealing the snow covered floor of the mountain.
She was sure that whatever was held inside that room saw the chance to escape when they came , and it took it.
If she hadn't been distracted by Clint's voice over her earpiece , she would have noticed the human footprints on the snow , leading deeper into the mountain.

Clint Barton was checking the third floor. He had felt the sudden drop of temperature the moment he stepped foot on the corridor.
Like the other three floors , the first room had computer screens for surveillance and drawers which Clint knew were once filled with files but the scientists had managed to destroy. On the back wall of the room was another room which led to the sleeping quarters of some guards and scientists.
It was clear that the other room further down the hallway was were they contacted their experiments. A metallic table in the middle with weird machines all around it and cabinets filled with small glass bottles , either broken or empty.
What made him reach for his earpiece though , was the redhead strapped on the metallic table , unconscious with only a filthy hospital gown covering her body.

"Nat , I need back up." he spoke urgently as he moved closer to the girl.
She looked young , maybe 18 or 19.

Clint carefully reached a hand out and checked for a pulse. Her skin was colder than the metal beneath her but she was alive.

Natasha entered the room and moved closer to the table. Her eyes roamed the girl for a second , pale face and redhead , she reminded her of herself. She could vividly remember the feeling of laying on a cold metallic table , your mind screaming but your body remaining still.


The girl woke up a few hours after arriving to one of the outposts near New York. After speaking with Fury , they decided to keep her discovery unknown to agents below level 8 , even some higher level ones.

Fury wanted to be sure of what he was dealing with.

When she woke up , the only think she told them was her name , River. After that , she refused to answer more questions.

Natasha knew that she was scared even though she tried to seem cool and collected. Her eyes were darting everywhere around the room observing every little detail. She could almost see the gears in her mind turning but not to find a way out , a way for her to escape. She was calculating whether it was safe for her to stay.

Her vitals seemed alright for the most part , except her body temperature which always seemed to be lower than it should. When asked if she was cold , River simply shook her head negatively.

Clint and Natasha stood outside of her room with Fury.
"Listen , until we figure out what's going on with her , no one can learn she even exists. I want you both here all day and all night. I don't care what it takes , make her talk!" Fury said as he looked from one agent to the other before turning around and walking away.

The two agents looked at each other before entering the room. It would be a long night for all three of them.


A small chapter for now, hope you enjoyed it :)

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