Chapter Thirteen

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The world above her blared and her breath caught on the back of her neck, her eyes wide and darting around frantically.

She turned her head to the side and saw Wanda exiting the small church, but she didn't see Renata as she had fallen away from the church, far to the left side of where the other woman was walking. Renata tried to call out for Wanda but all that came out was a pathetic whimper, barely heard even from her own ears...

She was left alone.

Wanda didn't know that she had come back for her, Clint and Natasha thought she was with Wanda.

She stayed there for a minute or two, trying to gather her strength. Renata slowly sat up and scooted towards the building behind her, her body trembling and her vision going blurry. She leaned her back on the wall and looked down at her arms. Her left arm, the one she had used to soften the impact of her body-which was definitely broken-was limply resting next to her. She tried to move her fingers but a sharp pain shot up her arm, instantly making the girl tear up.

Great, broken arm and broken fingers.

Renata started to feel lightheaded and very sick.

When she turned to look at her right arm she froze. A humorless chuckle escaped her lips as she saw the sharp piece of metal sticking out of her skin, just below her elbow. More tears ran down her cheeks and another small, weak laugh was heard as she raised her arm to inspect the wound. The metal was thin and short and had gone almost all the way through her arm- she couldn't see it poking out from the other side of her arm.

Take it off. Freeze over the wound. Stop the bleeding and prevent it from getting infected.

Renata flinched at the voice. It was way to loud to be her own thoughts, right?

No, you are just talking to yourself, out loud...

She giggled again, no humor evident in the sound and brought her injured arm close to her face. Without blinking, her teeth grabbed the edge of the metal and she pulled.
In one shift motion, the metallic piece was out of her arm, it's sharp edges cutting at the sides of her mouth as she spat it away.

Blood started to pour out of the wound rapidly but after a couple of seconds her eyes watched dully as she manipulated the water she had somehow managed to hold on to cover her arm in ice, effectively stoping the bleeding and shielding the wound.

 𝑨𝒕𝒚𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒂 [Steve Rogers] On HoldWhere stories live. Discover now