Chapter Eight☑️

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Renata felt like she was suffocating

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Renata felt like she was suffocating. The suit that Natasha had given her was suddenly to tight for her own good.

She was panicking.

The cries of the machines earlier were still ringing in her head and the tightness of her clothes made her uncomfortable.

"Are you okay?"

Renata turned around and looked at Steve and the twins who were standing at the door.

She chewed her lip and her hands shot up to her hair and started braiding it as she sat down.

"No, not really. I need to change clothes." Her voice sounded weak to her own ears and she hated it.

"I'll see if Stark has anything else for you." Wanda reassured her before leaving the room as Steve sat down next to her and Pietro moved a bit closer.

"Can you make it snow?" Pietro asked in a quite voice that reminded her of Cooper.

He was trying to take her mind off of her panic and discomfort and it seemed like it was working.

Renata blonde and pondered his request "I-I'm not sure. But I can try if you want."

The boys both nodded eagerly and Renata took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

She had learned that she could manipulate the water molecules in the air to a certain extent and turn them into water but it was easier when there was a body of water near her. And right know she didn't want to push her limits again. She needed to be prepared for later.

"Could you bring me a glass of water maybe?"

Before she had the chance to fully finish her sentence, Pietro had zoomed out of the room and had returned holding a glass of water.

Renata held the glads in her hand , frost started to crawl around her fingers and she frowned.

That's not what I want to do... Concentrate.

The water slowly made its way out of the glass and reached towards the ceiling. The redhead raised her eyes and looked and it, as it lazily danced above their heads, her eyes seemed to lose focus before rolling to the back of her head and she closed her eyelids.

A small gasp escaped from one of the boys and she opened her eyes, only to be met with snow falling from the ceiling, seemingly from nowhere. It landed on them, creating white halos on their heads and Renata couldn't stop herself from raising a hand to catch one of the snowflakes.

"Well you are a special snowflake aren't you?" Pietro asked cheekily as he went for the door "I'm going to see if my sister needs any help with restraining from hitting Stark with her powers again."

Renata and Steve nodded and went back to watching the snow fall.

"I used to be so afraid of my powers. I believed that because they came from a bottle ... they weren't part of me. I'm still afraid... I used to lose control very easy and I would freeze everything around me. But Natasha and Clint helped me see the beauty in them. I once made a small iced sculpture of a dragon for Cooper."

She turned and looked at Steve as he did the same.

The snow had fallen on top of her braided hair making it seem like it was sparkling and it formed a white crown on the top of her head. Steve felt embarrassed of the fact that he couldn't keep his eyes away from her.
She reached a hand out and ruffled his hair, making the snowflakes that had sat atop of it to go everywhere around them. They laughed quietly and blushed as the ring on her pinky got stuck in a knot on his hair.

Steve brought his own hands up and helped her untangle it.

He lowered their hands on her lap and held them tightly as he looked at her before motioning to the still falling snow.

"It's beautiful... you are beautiful. Don't forget that. There are times that I still feel wrong about myself ... I came from a bottle too after all. But I try to remind myself of all the good things I have done with my so called powers, which aren't that many if you think of it. But your powers are special. You are special. I believe in you and I trust you."

"Why? You don't know me."

"You don't know me either , but you found the courage to tell me something from your past and... I don't know why but I know that I trust you with my life." he placed a hand on her shoulder "And you can trust me too. I promise."

Steve let go of her shoulder and her hand and he stood up.

At the same time , Wanda entered the room , a change of clothes in her arms.

"It's not much , but it's comfortable enough for you to fight in." she said and placed them on Renata's arms.

Wanda and Steve exited the room to let her change in private.

It was a dark blue , almost black jumpsuit with long tight sleeves and pant legs , but unlike the suit that Natasha gave her, it didn't feel tight around her body. The neckline was high and it covered her chest , making her feel comfortable again.
She laced her black hiking boots and stood in front of a mirror. It didn't look perfect but it was okay. She kept her hair in the braid from before as she didn't want them falling in her face during the battle.

The battle...

She ran her hands up and down her face and sighed. She was scared. But Ultron had Natasha. The redhead that knew exactly how Renata felt at all times, she was one of the few people that could understand her that well.

She fixed her eyes on her reflection and stared hard.

I'm ready. Ready as I'll ever be...


Aw look at me, finally updating again!!!



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