Chapter Twelve

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The robots flew menacingly above, high in the air a few feet away from the heroes

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The robots flew menacingly above, high in the air a few feet away from the heroes.
"This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me." Ultron drawled as he raised his arms. "How can you possibly hope to stop me?"

"Well-" Tony sighed. "Like the old man said... Together."

Behind Renata Hulk roared and she couldn't help but let out her own battle cry as the robots started to sprint towards them.

The Avengers quickly stepped backwards, forming a protective circle over the core.
The robots came closer-
And closer-
Renata raised her fist.
The water around her hand freezing.
Her ears were ringing and she couldn't hear what was happening around her.
But the moment her clenched fist landed on the first robot, she could suddenly hear everything around her again.


From the other side of the core, Clint threw his cracked crossbow towards her. She swiftly caught it, froze it over and used it as a blade, spinning around to slice at a robot that had flew to close between her and Steve.

A crash was heard and she noticed Tony and Thor exiting the church to chase after Ultron who had been thrown outside.

Her feet moved on their own, the ice leaving the now broken crossbow and following her outstretched hand.

As Ultron went to take off again, his legs were covered in ice, keeping him to the ground as Tony, Thor and Tony's creation all shot at him.

Renata moved forward, her hand shaking in the air as she tried to keep the ice from breaking.

When they all lowered their arms, Ultron was still somehow in one piece, although Renata could see that his right side had melted a bit.

The ice around him melted too, and his metallic legs quivered before he quickly took a sideways step. "You know, with the benefit of hindsight-"

But he didn't get to finish his sentence, as Hulk jumped in front of him and punched him, sending him flying through the air.

Renata sighed as she noticed the robots around her started to retrieve.

"They'll try to leave the city!" Thor said.

"We can't let them, but even one. Rhodey!" Tony quickly replied, as he set Rhodey to destroy the remaining robots.

"We gotta move out." Steve breathed. "Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers, be right behind you."

"What about the core?" Clint questioned as he stood beside Renata.

"I'll protect it. It's my job."

Renata turned around to look at Wanda. The witch looked at the people around her and nodded to Clint, who had a firm gaze on her.

Clint softly grabbed Renata by the elbow and pulled her towards him and Natasha, but she couldn't tear her eyes off of Wanda who was reassuring her brother.

They were only two streets away from the church when Renata came to a stop. Clint looked at her with a questioning look.

"I'll stay with her. And before you try to argue, I'll be fine. I can handle it... I think. Please don't try to baby me, I need you to believe in me."

Clint stood still for a moment before giving her a nod before turning and jumping into a car with Natasha.

Renata span around and started to make her way towards the church again. As she turned the last corner, the church just a few feet away, a robot crashed into her from behind, sending them both tumbling.

As she came to a stop on her back, the robot jumped into the air, a punch aiming for her face. Renata raised her hands to shield her face and closed her eyes tightly.
But the punch never landed.
She peaked one eye open and gasped as she saw that a piece of ice, extending from her hands had pierced the robot.

Renata grinned and shuffled away from the robot. She let the ice melt, Ultron's puppet falling into the ground. She stood up and looked at her hands in awe.
She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings, so when the robot collided with her she was caught completely off guard but it seemed as her instincts and her powers kicked in before she could think about it.

As Renata turned around to walk towards where Wanda was she froze.

She heard Wanda yell out in pain, she saw her falling to her knees and a red blast of energy emitted from her. Renata's eyes widened as the blast hit her, sending her flying towards a building.
She twisted one arm to wrap in an awkward way around her back, the other flying to hold the back of her head. She pulled her legs towards her stomach and her head towards her chest just in time for her to collide with the building, almost 15 feet high.

She heard the arm that was pressed against her back break as it lessened the impact of her body, but at least it wasn't her back or her ribs. But she didn't take into account that after hitting the building, came the inevitable fall to the ground.

And there she was.


Falling head first into the concrete.


Hey guys, I hope you are all doing okay. :)

If you noticed any grammar of spelling mistakes please inform me and don't forget to leave some feedback;)



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