Welcome Back, 0071

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Agent Mothertrooper, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is one for the databooks. Sorry to take you from your much-needed rest and relaxation, if that's what you're calling it, wink-wink, but we're up shit creek without a paddle here.

Starhide. Ever heard of it? Neither had we—that is, we hadn't until the wee early hours of this very morning. We've learned "Starhide" is the name of a foolish plan to literally remove a full-powered sun from existence, just like that. Foolish because it will never work—at least, not with the mind behind Starhide. Still, it's dangerous, and the number of lives set to be lost if Starhide comes to fruition are unfathomable.

So we're calling you in. You're our greatest asset, and only you—Agent Mothertrooper, Codename 0071—has a tosser's pot in Titan of taking down Grondar the Pedophile and his intergalactic ring of depravity.

That's right, agent. Your old nemesis is back.

You'll find your toolkit is primed with the usual gizmos and gadgets. Though you should know we've taken the liberty of tweaking your HUD's table of contents. It will now update as you complete your objectives.

Go find Grondar and take him down. The Agency will have a hot cup of tea and a hot man/woman waiting for you when you return. That's a spy-fi promise.

Good luck. Though I venture to say you'll not be needing it! Ooorah!

Tevun-Krus #71 - Spy-FiWhere stories live. Discover now