Using Sehun

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"Goodnight," Xiumin said, standing on tiptoes to kiss Chen, who was on the step above him.

"Goodnight," Chen whispered. He went into his room where Sehun was still staring at his phone in shock. "Alright there?"

Sehun turned around. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." His eyes were shining. "You'll never guess what happened."

Chen, who was the gossiping side of his relationship with Xiumin, raised his eyebrows. "I won't guess if you don't tell me."

"Luhan..." Sehun leant his face near to his roommate, "...kissed me!"

Meanwhile, Xiumin closed the door to his and Luhan's room slowly.

Luhan was lying on his bed, wondering what to do next with Sehun. He had no remorse about using him shamefully, he expected that Sehun had a crush among his non-famous friends or something like that. Whatever.

"What did you do this morning?" Xiumin said, rummaging through his top drawer.

"Oh, I just went to the market," Luhan said, then swooned as Xiumin pulled off his top. "And I asked Sehun out, but you probably already knew that."

Xiumin turned around, still shirtless. Luhan gulped. "That's so cute! I'm glad you've found someone else." he said.

No, that's not what you're meant to say, Luhan thought, smiling still. You're meant to weep tears that I've found someone who isn't you.

Xiumin found some pyjamas and put them on. It was cold, so he also wore a dressing gown. Luhan wished the clothes were off. He sighed.

Minseok walked over to Luhan. He took his chin and looked down at him. "No breaking you heart over him, okay?" he said, sternly.

Just kiss me already! Luhan screamed internally.

Xiumin sat on his own bed and started texting Chen. They'd been in different rooms for roughly two minutes.

"That's a bit obsessive," Luhan commented.

"We're serious," came the reply.

Luhan thought. If he and Xiumin ever dated-- sorry, when they dated, they wouldn't have to text each other. They'd lie next to each other and talk for hours and kiss all day...

Luhan went into a happy daydream.

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