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"What? They didn't..." Xiumin moaned.

"Suho didn't tell them in time and now he's pretty much bouncing off the walls," Chen replied.

"And the worst thing..." Xiumin started, but Chen cut across him.

"...is the tears after."

Minseok sat up from the sofa. "I'd better go and deal with it."

Kyungsoo ran away from Kris. "You can't catch me!" he shrieked, jumping down the stairs. Kris ran down them and grabbed him. "Let go!" Kyungsoo yelled, muffled by Yifan's big hand.

"Tell me there's a cure!" Kris yelled.

Kai grabbed his coat and went out. He didn't care where he went. As long as it was away from both of his exes.

Luhan watched Kyungsoo bounce on the spot before stroking Sehun's cheek. "I need to practice my dance but I think your lips will have to do." He kissed the younger boy, ignoring the way Sehun kissed back passionately and waiting until he was sure Xiumin was looking their way. "C'mon," he said, dragging his hand across Sehun's chest and pulling him into his bedroom.

Xiumin raised his eyebrows at their behaviour, but helped Kris wrestle Kyungsoo to the ground.

"Thanks," Kris said, grinning.

"Again, again!" Kyungsoo squealed.

After an hour's work playing with him, the members of Exo - minus Jongin - were exhausted. Finally Kyungsoo shut up.

Then burst into tears.

"I love him you see, and there he goes and dumps me..." he sobbed furiously. "I know he loves me really."

"Honestly," Taemin said, flopping onto the sofa with Kai, watching the scene in the other room. "Don't they know not to give him sweets?"

Suho came into the room, coughing. "Chanyeol, I've got your cough." he said, tired.

"You're not the only one," Chen jerked his thumb at Baekhyun, who was clearing his throat croakily.

"Maybe we should go to the doctor," Suho suggested.

"No, it'll be fine," Chanyeol interrupted.

He'd already looked it up.

It was only transferred via kissing.

Thank you for all your comments! I love you all!

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