A while ago

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"You know there is practice this morning, right?" Suho asked Chen, trying not to swoon over the other boy's wet hair from where he'd just come out of the shower.

Chen seemed oblivious to Suho's attentions and ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah, I was going to ask you about that. Nine thirty right?"

"Yes, but try to be there earlier," Suho smiled, attempting to keep this friendly, not to let Chen know his feelings.

Chen quickly hugged Suho - they didn't get on badly, but he disliked it when they had to do fanservice together.

Xiumin saw all of this and scowled. He knew Suho still liked Chen.

He made up his mind immediately. He was going to make things work between Suho and Chanyeol.


Through practice, Suho, Chanyeol and Baekhyun were still coughing their dry coughs. The others had avoided them for a while. Even Tao had left Baekhyun's lips alone.

Suho had confronted Chanyeol about why Baekhyun had got the cough too, as they'd found out it could only be transmitted by kissing. Chanyeol had played innocent and suggested Baekhyun had drunk from the same mug as him.

Baekhyun didn't want to admit Chanyeol had kissed him. He thought that that would have been giving in.

In general, Baekyeol didn't spend much time together anymore.


Over the next few weeks, Xiumin kept buzzing around Suho and Chanyeol, calling them to a room before 'realising' he had somewhere else to be at that precise moment.

Chanyeol was still frustrated with his and Suho's lack of intimacy because when he tried to initiate it, Suho would just shake his head.

Chanyeol wanted more.

He wanted Baekhyun.

The boy he couldn't have.

And he was annoyed.

About a week after Luhan and Kris returned, he did something about it.

Sorry for late update (very late). I have mocks soon so I shall update when I can. I'm thinking of starting a one shot requests book. What do you think?

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