CHAPTER TWO: Answers and New Guys.

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It wasn't until we had to walk up the steps to Homestead when I noticed the limp in Newt's leg. He grunted a bit with every step, holding onto Minnie and I, so hard I started to deduct it's more for his balance than anything else. Without thinking, I placed my hand onto his back to help him, and he grinned thankfully. I wondered for a spare moment if he had a gentle nature, considering how soft he heaved himself up onto the top step.

Then I remembered I didn't know my name. The memory loss drove my mind up the wall once more, and I found it hard to concentrate on walking inside. I stopped at the doorway, and Newt paused, looking over. Minnie was looking too, biting her bottom lip. 

"Hey. You'll be fine. Come on, you shank." Newt said with a small smile, before leading us inside. 

Inside the said Homestead was much more inviting than the outside. While the outside was all sticks and wood planks held together with rusty nails, the inside showed a place of warmth and hospitality. The smell of food wafted under my nostrils. I licked my lips, not realizing how starved I was. In front of the three of us were a set of rickety stairs, leading up to more rooms. To the left could only be the kitchen, seeing as just then, a dark skinned boy walked up to Newt, apron tied around his waist.

He smiled warmly at us, the corners of his eyes crinkling in an inviting way.

"Well, well, well, Newt, I always knew you would get all the ladies." he said in a good-natured tone. 

Newt slapped his arm, responding with slight color to his cheeks, "Oh, shut up, Frypan." The boy named Frypan threw his head back, laughed, and walked back to the kitchen. There was a sound of something sizzling, then Frypan shouting, 

"Oh, no! You can't add alcohol! It catches fire!"

For the first time since being here, I laugh. Minnie did as well, placing a hand over her mouth. Newt sighed, and I felt his breath on my arm. I shouldn't have felt my face redden, but it did anyways. With a smile, I turned away. 

"Does this happen often?" I felt compelled to ask when seeing Newt's reaction.

"More than you can bloody imagine." He answered with a smile in my direction. I smiled back, again, like I was on some kind of drug, or something. What was this? I saw Minnie staring at me from behind Newt and laughed a little again. With these two, maybe memory loss could be a little more bearable. Maybe. 

Before anyone else could say anything else, there's a scream. For a second, I felt as if I were back in the box, with the grinds squealing in my ears. But the screams were human screams, screams that vibrated the very essence of my soul. Someone was hurting. Someone was in extreme pain, and it was coming from directly upstairs. The screams softened into little whimpers, then intensified again. My hands shot up to my ears, and I squeezed my eyes shut. 

Oh God, make it stop... The screaming, please!

I opened my eyes to see Newt dart upstairs. As if we had an unspoken agreement, Minnie and I followed him up the uneven stairs. Each step up felt like I was walking closer to my own demise, which seemed a bit dramatic. But the screams came ripping from the room ahead of us, where Newt's form had slipped through, and I knew that something was wrong. 

Minnie and I pause at the door, and I gripped the cloth of my black shirt anxiously. I felt as if any minute, something would jump at me, and even the thought of someone going in there who was so kind and trusting didn't make me feel better.

"Should we go in?" Minnie asked after a few moments. I paused, and glanced back at my sister. She was giving me that same look-that same helplessly curious look. For a second, a phrase flickers across my consciousnesses-

The Maze In Her Heart (Newt, Minho ::The Maze Runner.)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now