CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: Sammantha's Trigger.

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I sit on the stairs of the Homestead, cupping my chin with my hand. My mind is racing, my heart is racing, and my legs are itching to go racing. I can't think a single thought slowly- everything seems to be moving in fast motion and I can't stop it. 

I look back to the Homestead, where Chuck was staying. Lately, he had fallen ill, and I didn't know what to do to help. I asked Clint to help Chuck and he said that Chuck was probably just falling ill with a sick stomach or something since the crops have not been yielding well results lately. 

After Newt was found in the Maze with Marie, with the aid of a man named Lamar, whose arms stayed pinned behind his back, they were led back inside the Homestead. I helped tie Marie to the bed in case she turned insane, despite Newt begging us and telling us he had given her what he thought was the cure. 

"Listen, I believe you, okay!" I said to him when he had repeated for the fourth time. 

He paused and stared at me. "Then bloody untie her." 

"We can't take chances." I said before walking out, not wanting to see the furious look on Newt's face. 

I looked at the Slammer now, the wind blowing my hair around my face. No doubt I had a somber expression on my face. The noon sun was glaring down today, in an angry way- not its usual carefree way. 

I got up, and walked to the door. I paused, before opening it, and walking upstairs to where Chuck was residing. I gave the door a slow, deliberate knock, before poking my head in. 

"Chuck? Are you okay?" I asked, with a small, sympathetic smile on my face. 

Chuck nods, his large fro' of curly hair bobbing. "I really hope I can just get over this cold soon."

I shake my head. "It's not the same symptoms as a cold. Maybe it's a disease all kids go through. I don't know... I have no memory." I stress the word memory a little too harshly. Chuck sighs, and looks out the window, rubbing something in the palm of his hand. 

Minho walks in, breaking the silence. He looks sweaty and stressed, his usual calm cover blown out of proportion by the Glade's recent turn of events.

"Thomas?" He asks, sticking his head in. 

I turn to face him and I hear Chuck cough softly behind me, the warm sound traveling around the room.

"We think we've found the girl.." Minho says. Suddenly, I hear a piercing scream from the next room, the sound of it makes me want to jump out the window. I gripped the sheets under my tense fingers. Those screams sounded exactly like Ben's... Like Alby's. And now they belonged to Marie.

Minho tilts his head and nods slightly, and I can see his Adam's apple bob as he swallows, obviously stalling with his unnecessary need for moisture.

"Just head on down when you can." he says.

I turn back to pale Chuck, and see his eyes have closed. He's still breathing, but he looks asleep. 'What'd you reckon is wrong with him?" I say, not surprised to hear the sorrowfulness in my tone.

But Minho is gone, the only trace of him is the smell of his sweat and the sounds of his footsteps as he bounds down the stairs.

"Thomas?" I hear Chuck. He was still not fully asleep, though his eyes were glazed, as if he was sleep talking.

"Chuck, I would feel better if you slept." I say, before I stand up. He grabs my wrist, his chubby hand sweaty as he grips tighter. 

"I want you to have this." he pushes a small figure into my hand.

He lets go and I raise my hand closer to my face as I see what it is. It's a small wooden doll, with a hallow inside. It's eyes are painted with a vibrant green, much like what I've gathered of Marie's eyes, and small swirls of paint cover every surface, like Chuck tribal art.

"My parents gave it to me. But I don't remember them.. All I remember is this doll." he says, moisture gathering in his eyes.

"Chuck, keep this. And I swear I will promise to get you back to your parents. Even if I die doing it. Your mom is probably sitting at home, waiting for you."

Chuck smiles thinly, accepting his doll. "Promise?"

"I promise." I say as I get up again, and I swear as I am walking out of the room, I can feel tears sting my eyes.


As I bound out of the Homestead, the first thing I see is a cluster of boys grouped around the red-headed girl who supposedly is named Sammantha. I see Newt's blonde head, and Minnie's short figure. 

"Tom!" yells Sammantha as she breaks away from the group. I see her running towards me, and next thing I know, she's hugging me tightly. My eyes widen as I feel her body against mine, tightly clinging to me like cling wrap. I slowly place my arms around her, and look at the people who were staring at us.

She breaks away after a few seconds, and I see a few boys dragging Gally away. He looks like he'd just been knocked out, his head hanging limply from his shoulders as his feet rub against the dry ground.

newt walks up, and I see the full impact of marie's attack on him. His eyes are blood shot, and his hair looks like a bird's nest (A/N: these are actually early symptoms of The Flare *poofs out suddenly*). He sighs and his breath stinks.

"She wouldn't talk until you showed up." Newt says, and his voice cracks slightly. I can see his eyes dart around nervously, on high alert. He looked like a mess, and it was clear that it was the combined after effects of waiting for Marie, and his night in the Maze.

"Newt, are you okay?" I say, looking over Sammantha's shoulder. Maybe recounting his day in the Maze might help him cope, if anything. It was clear he wouldn't get a blink of sleep until he was sure of Marie's fate.

"I'm bloody fine." he snaps, "I'm gonna go check on Marie." 

And with that the blonde Brit stomps away.

"He's CUTE." Sammantha says, her hands resting on my shoulders. My eyes widen and I feel a little jealous. "Yeah, well he's 'taken'."

"Shame..." she says. I give her a look, furrowing my brows. How could she think he was cute when he looks like he stumbled right out of a horror book?

 I shake my head, and place a hand on her shoulder. "Tell me what happened. I don't know you... But I feel a undeniable connection... Like- Like I used to know you."

Samm stared up at me, and then wuickly looked away. "Could you hear me?"

"Hear you?"

"When I was speaking... in my mind.." She whispered, looking terrified as if other Gladers might've heard her. 

I paused, staring at her with a dumbfounded expression. 

She's crazy. She has no clue who I am- she's just a nutso. The third girl up here, and she's already wreakinghavoc, spreading lies, and getting people locked up. I'm about to pull away when I hear her voice in my head- right between my ears. 


My expression of fear and annoyance melted away quickly, and my eyes began to widen. I stared at her still, focusing on the upturn of her lips as she seems to notice that I hear. 

So, you can hear me.

I rest a hand on my head, as if there would be anything I could pluck out. 

Is this real?

I think so. 

I gulp, and look around. The other Glader's were milling around, hesitantly and slowly. They were listening. 

"Tell me what you know," I repeat, to throw off suspicions. I needed this to stay between Samm and I.

"You want to know everything I know?" she says, her eyes widening a bit. She looks overwhelmed, color flushing to her cheeks.

"Yes. And what happened with Gally," I reply.

"All I know is that I triggered the End."

The Maze In Her Heart (Newt, Minho ::The Maze Runner.)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now