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I look up and see darkness. It takes a few seconds to have my eyes adjust. 

Then I see Minnie facing the monitor, clacking away at some keys. I turn back to the door, before giving it a pound. The room was huge and mostly empty, and as Minnie typed, more doors swung open, revealing rooms full of large coffin like shapes and computer screens galore. 

"Go in, hurry! We have to get the door open again!" I shout, and Chuck and I run inside. I gasp for breath, turning back to look at Minnie. 

"What was the first word?" She shouted, and I had to wrack my brain. First word. 

The first word that popped up when we were looking was STIFF. I force the word from my mouth, spit flying from my lips as I rush to her side once more. Running between the two rooms made my leg throb. "Stiff! Type it in!" I shout. She scrambled to start typing, her fingers shaking and clacking random keys. 

"Marie!" Chuck shouted, stumbling back and against the doorway of the other room. He was staring in, acute panic on his boyish features. I rush past him and into the room, which was only lit up by the blinking screens of computers. 

One of the large caskets propped against the wall began to shake, before the lid slowly eased open. There are several other caskets who remained still, but I was sure every single one of them had the same results. 

"Stay behind me!" I shout, placing my hands behind me and making sure Chuck stayed behind me. He was breathing heavily, and I could feel the sweat damp on his clothes. 

"Marie!" Minnie shouts, looking up, the monitor light brushing across her face. "What is the next one?"

I stammer, watching as the lid fell to the floor with a thud. Dust flew up from where the lid fell, in huge transparent clouds. I coughed, and fended off the dust from my eyes and nostrils, which were already burning. 

"Don't tell me you forgot, Marie!" Chuck shouts, covering his face as well. I groan and wioe the sweat from my face, which had attracted dust, coating my face entirely now. I take a step back, squinting and coughing madly. 

"Push!" I shout.

Minnie clacks them in, the screen flashes red. By now, the rest of the lids are fully open, revealing the very things that were attacking the boys from the outside. Grievers. 

They slump onto the ground, stretching their metallic joints. "It's noootttt wooooooorkiiiiing!" Minnie says in a nervous singsong voice, slamming her fist onto the keyboard. As she did slam on the keyboard, the doors behind her cracked open with a quick, sharp vacuumm sound. She gasped and looked back, before looking at me. "Marie- oh my God!" She shouted, eyes widening. 

I turn to look behind me to see not only was Chuck gone, but a Griever was squeezing through the door, its legs popping out of the cracks. The walls crumbled, gave way as it shoved its large, mechanical limbs outwards. I scramble back, looking for something, anything to stop the Griever from rushing in. Dust showered down on us, but this time, it wasn't from the Griever. 

The door behind Minnie burst open in an explosion of light, dust, and chunks of stone and ivy. The boys were standing there, rubbing their shoulders and casting away blunt objects they had used to open the doors. 

"Bloody hell!" Newt shouted, and thank god he was alive. Lamar ran in first, followed by others boys, who were covered in blood, yellow guts, and sweat. Some had rubble and ivy in their hair and clothes. Lamar rushed forward, sticking his katana right into the Grievers face. He sliced downwards, causing the Griever to explode and fall to the floor in an burst of empty skin and dismembered metal limbs. He jumped over the body into the room, shouting for the others the follow.

Minnie pauses, her fingers hovering above the keys while waiting for a confirmation. Gladers stood in the doorway, some wiping their faces and others looking around, still alert. Thomas was breathing the most heavy, his shirt soaked with blood and sweat. 

"There's no way out! Keep typing!" Lamar shouted, his Australian accent clear as day. 

Minnie cursed to herself and began typing again, Minho at her side, telling her the rest of the words. Newt was suddenly there, pointing at Gladers. "Guards the door and fight like hell." He shouted before turning to look at me. His hair was a tangled mess, his face was as red as a rose, and his chest was heaving. He looked in good shape, or as good as it got in these circumstances. 

Lamar shouted from in the room, and there was more sounds of fighting. "Hurry!" He shouted, "There's a lot!" 

Then, the sound of a collective thumping. Lamar gasps, and the Gladers all rush in to see what he was gasping at. Despite the dim, crappy light, there was the unmistakable outline of multiple large figures, all laying on the floor. 

Someone in the corner turned on a flashlight and it landed on Chuck, who was standing with his chubby hand on a large red button. "I pressed it and they all died." He said in shock, his voice hinting on the verge of panic. We stared at him in shock, when suddenly, Minnie shouted something from the keyboard. 

"What is happening?" Liam shouted in the darkness, only to be interrupted by a huge cracking sound right next to him. Everyone took a collective step forward as a door cut itself out of the stone wall- or rather, revealed itself finally. Light seeped from the cracks in blinding, florescent rays, and it set into place with a satisfying clang. 

There was silence for a moment as Minnie and Minho rushed into the room, their feet thudding against the dead Griever's body. 

Lamar leaned forward slowly, and used all his strength to open the door. The door swung open, emitting a single puff of dust. In front of us sat a long, winding hallway, with florescent lights spanning down to the end, where there was a single, swinging light. 

We looked at each other, and I met Minnie's eyes. 

"We're free." Thomas said.

The Maze In Her Heart (Newt, Minho ::The Maze Runner.)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now