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"Get the bloody Greenies." I shouted, breaking the silence and jumping into the Box. It rattled, and the Greenies stirred. It looked as if they both got a proper beating- the boy had bruises and a large bloody gash, and the girl was knocked out, blood trickling from the back of her head. 

I slowly lift the girl up, holding her bridal style and a bit stiffly. Her head lolls backwards onto my chest. My eyes widened, turning upwards to see Marie jump into the box, helping the boy up. Minnie and Minho join in after a moment. Above, some Gladers began station ropes to help us us, whispering amoungst each other.

"We're gonna have to make two bloody trips." I say, with the help of Minnie, lifting the girl. Nobody says anything as we come up. I know what they're thinking.

Two Greenies? A boy and a girl? In serious medical danger? What happened to Sammantha's note saying she was the last one? Something was seriously wrong- and it kept getting worse... We had to get out of here. Will we be able to get them well enough for the Maze? I haven't waited two years just to be held up by some Greenies who couldn't come earlier. Or maybe this was a sign.

But for what?

There's a grunting and minutes later, Marie and Minho appear, holding the boy. His eyes are open and he looks dazed. "You okay?" I hear Marie say. They set him down and he rubs his temple, glancing around the Glade with a shocked, but exhausted look in his shock blue eyes.

The Medjacks jog over, placing the girl on a cot. The boy stops talking and allows Clint to lift his arm, inspecting it. "What happened here?" Clint asked, looking up at the boy. He gives the medjack a helpless look, brows furrowed. Clint goes to work right away, unfolding the pack that had been in his arms and getting a bandage. 

Some medjacks were lifting up Roxie, and were taking her to the Homestead. "Where are you taking her?" He asked, watching them with his eyes widening a bit. I could see him start to panic again by the rapidness of his breathing, causing Clint to tense. 

"I'm going to need you to stay calm." He said, halfway through bandaging the boy's arm.

"Calm down, ya shank. We're trying to find out ourselves what's going on here." I step in, holding a hand out. The boy tilts his head. Many of the Gladers have moved forward in attempt to see what's going on.

"Can you tell us what you know?" I say carefully. He nods, looking down at Clint.

"Do you have a place to sit?"


"Watch your bloody step, it's not the most reliable ladder."

Lookout tower. A tower where you take a break, calm down, watch the Glader's do their work. But now, the Glade is barren. All the Gladers have rushed back to the Homestead, no doubt to aid to the knocked out girl, wait for Chuck, or pace uneasily. There wasn't much to do in the Glade nowadays. 

I reach the top and sit down on a wooden bench placed up here when it was first made, running my hands through my hair. The boy's head pops up from the opening in the bottom, then helps himself up. He doesn't take a seat next to me. He simply stands there, alert. His bandages arm found home behind his back.

"I won't hurt you. I've been through this. I will tell you everything you need to know." I raised my hands in a surrender, knowing that the knife at my waist was slightly intimidating. 

The boy relaxed, his shoulders sagging.

"Can you tell me your name?" I asked, placing my hands back down.

"My name is Liam."

I nod. "Well, this is the Glade, and..." I pause, glancing out to the Glade. Liam followed my gaze, his eyes scanning the emptiness we left behind. 

"You may want to take a bloody seat." I said after a moment, before turning to him.

I filled in the boy, down to every last detail. About the surprise of the girl arrivals, and now his. How the doors are open and won't close. How the Grievers take one at a time. What Minnie and Minho discovered, and how it's our ticket home.

"If you just follow through with the plan, we can get our memory back." I finished, clasping my hands in my lap.

Liam stares at the Glade, his back to me. The wind ruffles his hair, blowing it around his face. The trees glint against the dull gray sky and ground. The farms are devoid of any nature, the pens are empty and barren. 

"Okay. I'll do it." He said, turning to face me. His face was grim, set in stone. "What's the plan?"


"Newt!" Marie said, running up to us. Her hair was in a bushy ponytail, and she was wearing the same brown pants and a black t-shirt that I had lended her. She looked simply adorable, and I let my eyes linger on her. 

"What?" I asked. She grabbed my hand and I blushed, looking down at her. 

"We need to talk." she said, and I strayed away from Liam, who went to go find the girl who had arrived up in the Box with him. He had agreed to go along with our plan for now, even though he still looked confused. I pointed upstairs, motioning to him. "

"She's up there, shank." I said, before letting Marie pull me out of earshot.

"What are we gonna do?" she whispered after pulling me into a separate room. It was empty besides a cot sitting in the corner, stripped of sheets.

"We're gonna rest up the girl. She and Chuck are all we are waiting on... They're the only things, I swear Marie. I know it sounds repetitive, but we are going to get out of here, and I promise you." I looked down at her.

She stared back up, her bottom lip giving the slightest quiver. I stared down at her still, unsure what to say in fear that I would kill this silence that had built up between us. She slowly leaned up, kissed me, then pulled away after a few seconds. 

Her eyes flickered to the cot, then back to me. I blushed, and buried my face in my hands. 

I felt like a bad leader for letting my hormones get the best of me, but I realized about half way through another kiss that there was nothing to even do. 

"You have ten minutes, missy." I told her, and that prompted a laugh out of her. 

I made sure the door was locked.

The Maze In Her Heart (Newt, Minho ::The Maze Runner.)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now