CHAPTER FOUR: Learning Leadership & Crying Newt.

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A few hours later, I sat outside the hospital with Minnie, nervously tapping my foot. Tap tap tap tap.

Alby's body had been brought inside by the Medjacks, accompanied by what Chuck called "Baggers." I wanted to help them, but remained outside. I was sure there were more things for me to do, like settle in, but I couldn't. I couldn't let Newt be alone right now, even if we weren't that close. He needed someone. He asked me.

 Inside the room, a stifled sob is heard, and I turn to see Med-jacks hovering over Alby's body. I can't see where the sob came from, but I hoped that it wasn't from Newt. Chuck leaned back in his chair, and Minnie bit her lip nervously.

They wouldn't let us in, but they're holding us back for questioning. My mind kept drifting to a grief-stricken Newt leaning onto me like I'm his.. girlfriend or something.. I shook my head.
Snap out of it Marie. Not now

I felt blush creep onto my face from his look of relaxation as he leaned into me, the way his hair perfectly fell, the way ...


The med-jacks filed out neatly, piling their equipment into their bags and walking out. I watched with a straight face, peering into the room once more over her chair.

I felt the worst news coming when the last two medjacks walked out, carrying a figure covered in rags. My throat clogged up as I peeked into the room. I saw Newt's figure sitting on the now empty cot, burying his face into his hands. Then it happens. First it's small sob, then he's crying.

I felt my tears well up slowly. The first day here had been an emotional roller coaster, but now, I really let everything hit me, like a ton of bricks. Someone had just died, and another person considered a friend was sitting in there, alone- sobbing.

"I-I'm going to go and.. set up your beds...." Chuck said quietly, looking shaken. I almost tell him to sit down but he's already gone, hands in pockets. The young boy must have been through so much in the past twelve hours, I felt bad for him.

Newt took a large breath. He must not have noticed Minnie and I. He probably thought we left to go inspect Alby. I slowly got up, standing in the doorway. Minnie remained seated, her hands on the sides of the chair, almost out of her seat, yet remaining still. We gave each other another look of knowing, and I walked slowly into the room. The hours had passed, and the sun was almost down now over the maze walls, causing the room to be in dim light.

"Newt?" I said softly.

He looked up, eyes red, one single tear rolling down his cheek. He shook his head, croaking out, "I-I don't want you to see me like this."

I walked over to him, and took a seat on the edge of the bed with a small sigh. I hated to start crying, but I couldn;t help it. After everything that had happened today with seeing Alby chained down, to seeing him dying right in front of me, I couldn't hold it back. And it didn't help that Newt was also crying. Newt looked taken aback as I sniffled, and he put his hand on my knee.

Minnie chose this time to walk in and sit on Newt's other side. She stared at a spot in the wooden wall, her face straight and taunt.

I felt like a baby, but I didn't want to cry in front of the other boys. I felt as if I could trust Newt. I glanced over to see Newt hunched over, back heaving. I slowly put my hand on his back, rubbing it in circle. I felt weird doing that, but he had tried to comfort me, so it was the least I could do... I'm touching him!

I then moved my hand higher, patting his hair, smoothing it down. I knew that that's what people liked- to be petted. Maybe Newt disliked it, but if he did, he didn't object, just continued crying. I'm patting his hair. I was walking myself through the motions, as if I didn't know how to comfort somebody.

Unbelievably, I smiled. I was doing something right, I was helping him. Minnie flashed me a look, smiling too, and she motioned to my hand, then maked a kissing motion.

I shook my head and used my available hand to make an imaginary tear roll down my cheek, then make the kissing motion. Finally, I quickly jerked my hand across my throat, motioning, NO. 

Sisters, am I right?

Newt finally spoke. "He- he was my friend.. and the leader.. I miss him already... Now I'm the leader..." He paused, gathering his breath, "I can't do this.. I can't even finish a bloody gathering without something happening..."

My mind traveled to the meeting about us. That must not have even started with Alby's escape and all. I could not even imagine being in Newt's shoes, at the moment. 

"You've still got us." Minnie said, almost cheerfully. 

Newt tilted his head up to glare at her, my hand slipping down onto his back "Yeah, and what bloody good will that do, with you guys running around?" He snapped at her, tears dripping down his flushed cheeks.

Minnie looked taken aback, but I quickly covered up for her. "Train us to be leaders. That way you can keep an eye on us, and you won't have to be all alone." I suggested. The plan came to my mind in that quick instant- and I didn't even realize what that would mean. 

Would he even allow the idea?

Newt's face didn't change at the idea. His eyes narrowed and he cupped his chin, back still hunched. "I guess that could work. It would take a lot od training. And I wouldn't hand over the bloody Glade in one day. But it might give you chances to learn more answers and get to know the boys." He straightened up and cleared his throat. "Alright.

"Training starts tomorrow, greenies, but for now, head back to Chuck, and Thomas must be there too. You are going to need a bunch of bloody sleep for tomorrow."

The Maze In Her Heart (Newt, Minho ::The Maze Runner.)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now