CHAPTER THREE: Alby Goes Insane.

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Minnie and I looked at each other once more as we stepped out of the Homestead. Uneasiness carved a pit into my stomach. Newt was just going to leave us with these two boys we didn't even know? And where was he going to be? Talking to people... about us? I wasn't sure about a lot of things, but I was sure that if this "gathering" was about us, we should be able to witness it.

Newt limped across the Glade, to a cluster of trees with hammocks hung lazily from branch to branch. I spotted a short stubby figure sitting on a log, his hands ripping bark from a sliver of wood. He looked about twelve, with a plump stomach and a curly mop of brown hair. He had a child-like face with rosy cheeks, and when he saw us, they lit up.

"It's the girls! Girls are awesome!" He shouted. It was obvious he hadn't hit puberty, despite the huskiness of his voice. 

I smiled at the young boy, crossing my arms across my chest. This is Thomas? Chuck?

Almost as if he heard my thoughts, Newt said, "This is Chuck." We reached the boy, who was glowing, his piece of wood lay forgotten in the ground. 

"Thomas isn't here. He went out there-" Chuck pointed to the doors. "-You'll meet him tomorrow since he's in the pit today." I glanced at the large gap in the walls, and gulped. This Thomas guy... went in there? Was he crazy? After seeing what happened to Alby, I wasn't so sure if I wanted to meet this Thomas guy.

I looked at Minnie and saw her looking at the boy with simple adoration on her face. "Well Chuck, its nice to meet you. I'm Minnie, and this is my twin... Marie." She says. I wondered where she came up with that name, but seeing as I found hers in my mind so fast, maybe she found mine.

Marie. I liked the sound of that name.

"Since you buggers are all nice and settled, I'm gonna go throw that gathering. Chuck, don't let them get too out of hand." Newt said. He reached over, gripping my arm and squeezing it in a comforting manner. I noticed he hadn't done the same to my sister, and I feel blush creeping into my cheeks. They must be redder than Chuck's by now- which is some feat.

"Great!" Chuck exclaimed, walking to one of the hammocks and sitting it down, causing it to sway. "When I heard there were two girls, I almost klunked my pants." He said in a joking tone of voice. 


Minnie walked up to him and sat down on the floor next to him, striking up a conversation with him.

"Why are we here, Chuck?" She asked, tilting her head. 

Chuck smiled, shaking his head. "I dunno, but I think we were sent here for a reason, honestly."

He leaned back, staring at the bushy leaves. Some fell down and landed on the ground. I looked up at the spectrum of leaves, and through the slivers into the sky above. As soon as I turn to loom away, something flashed in the corner of my eye. Quickly, I looked back up, raising my brows quizzically. A flash of metal had caught my attention, but now it was gone, as quickly as it had flashed by. 

"Marie, do you want to sit down?" Minnie asked, staring at me with concern. She must have seen my furrowed brows.

"Oh, yeah, sure." I stumbled over to the log and sat down, wrapping my arms around my legs. 

"You guys are gonna love my best friend Thomas!" Said Chuck, moving on, and Minnie scoffed playfully.

"I thought I was your best friend..." She joked. I saw Chuck's eyes widen and he blushed a bit, in an adorable boyish manner.

"Uhhh..." He began, but Minnie laughed shortly. 

"I was kidding."

I smiled at their jokes and listened intently to conversations, but soon, my mind drifted. What was that flash of metal? Why was it in the tree? What was this place, the Glade? Why were we here? What was that thing Alby was stung by, and how did he get stung in the first place.

Images of Alby, strapped and screaming, keep filtering in and out of my mind. I reached up, cradled my head in my hands, and squeezed my eyes shut.

Suddenly, a cluster of boys by the farms broke into shouts, some running away.

I quickly glanced up, watching with a gaining sense of dread. Chuck shot up, color draining from his face. His cheeks lost their soft glow. I glanced at my twin and by some sort of other unspoken agreement, we start to rush towards the farms. 

I wasn't sure why I began to run to the farms, like I wasn't sure why I ran to Alby. It was like danger called my name, and I had to follow. 

"Hey!" Chuck objected as we ran out of his earshot, "I'm supposed to be watching you!"

The forests became denser as I ran through them, and the screaming I heard before roared to life. 


I paused, daring not to breath. My heart thudded anxiously between my lungs, making my breath become shallow. Whatever was happening in this woods, I immediately regretted it. I regretted running towards it. 

A figure shot from the shadows, stopping right in front of Minnie and I. It was Alby, his eyes crazed, on all fours, breathing deep.

I kept my mouth shut. If anything could provoke him, it would probably be words. I don't even raise my hands to signal I meant no harm. I remained still, as still as nearby shrubbery, as did Minnie. 

Then, I heard Newt's voice in the distance, yelling, "WHERE'S THE GRIEVER SERUM?" Silence.


Silence. Even Alby was silent. I flickered my eyes down to stare at the crazed male, only to see him give a teeter. I turned to take a step back, when the man suddenly collapsed into a spasming heap at our feet.

Rustling. There's rustling from behind us. I quickly turned, and I saw a figure stumble from the trees, arms outstretched, hair ruffled.

It was Newt.

"Marie! Minnie!" He shouted at us. Then he spotted Alby, and all the anger and confusion in his face dropped. He gasped and ran up to the body, checking for a pulse. His shaking hands confirmed the worst.

"Get a med-jack.. Now." He whispered in a deadly calm voice. Minnie ran off, pushing bushes out of the way. I look down at Newt, who cradled Alby's lolling head. His eyes were still open. I turn to go after Minnie, when he says, "Please, Marie, please... Stay here.."

I opened my mouth, but nothing happened. He asked me- he needed someone. I crouched down next to Newt. We sat side by side in the leaves, Newt cradling Alby still, like a mother who just lost her child.

Like a brother who just lost a brother.

Newt leaned his head on my shoulder. I heard him sniffle, and saw a few tears drop onto the face of Alby, frozen in time in the middle of one of his crazed expressions. I slowly reached over, and slid the eyelids down on Alby's face.

(A/N: Obviously this takes place after alby got stung and thomas ran into the maze. And all you Minho fans, he's coming up so don't klunk ur pants <3!)

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