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"Newt! Stop!" I shout, reaching out my hands. I couldn't lose him as soon as I got him. He would die, surely, charging at a Griever. "Stop!" I scrambled across the maze floors, dragging my leg painfully behind me. It throbs with sharp spikes of pain with each movement I make. 

I look up to see the Girever rearing back on it's large, mechanical legs. It lets out a sorrowful wail. Newt stumbles back, knife in hand, crazed look in his eyes. It rears over to him, it's large body swaying and steadying.

One of the Griever's large, mechanical claws swings over, above my head. I feel the wind blow my curls into my face, and I struggle to brush them away quickly. The claw smacks right into Newt, knocking the frail and skinny boy right off of his feet, and onto the ground. His body slumped to the floor, and his eyes were closed. 

"No!" I shout, reaching the other side of the maze hall. I grip the ivy and try to hoist myself up, but my leg refuses. As I cling to the ivy, the Griever turns it's attention to me, clicking it's pincers and lifting it's scorpion-like tail. Something shoots out of it- a vial, the needle glinting in the starlight.

"Lamar!" I scream, panic ramming into my heart. With each breath I take, the edges of my eyesight go black. If I don't die from the griever, I surely will from this panic attack. I scramble back, grabbing the ivy for dear life. My leg refuses to follow, and I stumble backwards onto my back. With a slam, my head hits the maze floor.

For a peaceful moment, I can see the stars. For a moment, I can imagine I'm back in the Glade, sitting in my hammock, not in the Maze, with a katana weilding maniac and a knocked out Newt. 

I take a deep breath, preparing. 

The Griever's needle slams into my side, and at once, the pain starts. It's so intense, all control of my body was lost. I began to flop up and down, the needle still lodged in my waist. My arms and legs went ballistic, and my chest heaved quickly. My chest blossomed with sharp pain, and pricks like needles ran up and down my body. 

I wanted to reach up and rip the needle from my body, but I couldn't. The Griever loomed over me, and I looked up into it's small eyes. My eyesight was blurring, and my brain was slowing. I couldn't assess what was happening.

My senses started to fade. The pain was taking over everything. I couldn't even register the feeling of the needle ripping from my waist, so intensely that I fell onto my side. 

I could only see Lamar running towards me before my eyes closed, and didn't open back up.



After all the grievers had been abolished, I rushed over to Marie and clapped my hands to my cheeks. Her body was spasming less, meaning that the girever's sting had been successful. It wouldn't be long before she woke up, and was manic. 

"Sh... Shuck.." I whispered, not sure what the word meant, but using it anyways. I kneeled down next to her with shaking hands and lifted her head. Her eyes were closed, and her face was gaunt and pale. She looked dead already, and I didn't doubt it if she was dead. 

Through getting her leg stuck between maze walls to being stung, it was a long night for her. 

"Shuck!" I shouted again, bringing her head close. I pressed my ear to her heart. It took a moment- one panicky, terrifying moment - but I heard it, beating slowly. She'd lose entire control of her body soon. 

I looked up and saw Newt stirring, lifting his head with a groan. It was easy to see from over here the knot on the back of his head. 

"Bloody hell." He said loudly, shaking his head. He lifted it more and glanced over to me, pausing when seeing who was in my arms. "Oh no. Oh God." He said, stumbling to his feet, and limping madly over to me.

The Maze In Her Heart (Newt, Minho ::The Maze Runner.)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now