CHAPTER TWENTY: Jail Breaks, Burning Maps, and Memories.

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When I didn't hear the oh-so-familiar rumbling of walls, I didn't want to believe it. 

I walked out of the room, and saw a bunch of people running towards the Homestead, shouting at their companions and fellow Gladers. 

Minnie is right next to me in a matter of seconds, Lamar not trailing too far behind. Lamar looked utterly confused, and I didn't blame him- after years of co-existing within the Maze, the schedule must have been as familiar to him as his own heartbeat. 

"The walls aren't closing." I say. I wanted to deny it, and stop the shaking in my voice, but I couldn't. 

Minnie stares up at the walls, her eyes wide. Lamar looks at the two of us, before grabbing me and helping me up the stairs again. "I'll be right back. I need to get my katana." And without another word, he releases me, and rushes back to the Slammer, his long legs pumping. 

Chaos was already beginning. Gladers were spilling into the Homestead, and those Gladers already in the Homestead were shouting orders. I saw Newt at the foot of the stairs, his face pale. 

"It never bloody stops." He says, before shouting, "Board the windows! Lock the doors! And be shucking quick!" He walks to the crowds of Gladers trying to find hiding spots. "Everyone needs to be quiet, or we'll all die for sure! Now shut your bloody gobs, and get to working!" 

He grabs my hand, and helps my up the rickety stairs. Each movement with my split causes a dull throb, and he can see it in my face. He know the pain, and he knows I know. He just gives me a knowing, sympathetic look, before allowing me to reach the top of the stairs. 

"Find a place to hide." He says before bounding down the stairs, taking two at a time. I groan and walk down the hall with Minnie, who looked on the verge of blowing chunks. 

"Are they scary?" She whispers, and I know what she's talking about. I stare ahead of me, my eyes wide, as I slowly nod. 

She nods as well, before helping me into a new room. 

It's bustling- full of activity. I find myself almost getting swept away in the chaos. Everyone is talking, and there's the sound of nails and hammers clattering and clanging together. Newt was truly a good leader if he could get everyone in action this quick. 

A Glader rushes by, a nail sticking from his mouth. More are clustered by the windows, quickly nailing wooden planks. Other Gladers are assembling weapons.

I look around before limping over to a spare window. I glance out it. The Glade is deserted, the dull gray sky making the Glade alight with torches and a soft gray light. The Maze walls are gaping and open.

A boy walks up next to me, and hands me a plank. "Hold it." He says bluntly, and I take it without word. I pause, and then frown, as if wondering what just happened. I look up to see a Glader I've never seen before holding up a nail, and trying to figure out where to nail the planks. His eyes, which are a dull green, are scanning the window frame. His hair, much to my shock, is pink, but horribly dyed, showing dark roots under neath. 

He holds out his hand and places the nail in his mouth. I hand the plank to him, and he puts it in place. 

"You... need anymore help?" I ask, a bit confused at the situation I was thrown into. The Glader smirks, looking down at me. The nail hanging in his mouth looks like a cigarette. 

"Yeah." He leans down, drops the nail into my palm, and positions the plank. "Put it right here." He taps a part of the wood with his finger, clearing his throat. I oblige, holding it in place as he hammers. 

I look around, before watching him reach into his pocket and bring out another nail. "Wanna see something cool?" He asks, before reaching up with his free hand and sticking the nail through a hole in his ear. 

I gasp and cover my eyes, before slowly peeking to see him placing another nail in the plank, and hammering it. The other nail remained in his ear. 

"Pierced them myself. Had nothing else to do." He cleared his throat, and reached over, holding out his hand. "George. Nice to meet you."

"Marie." I shook his hand.

"Yeah, I know who you are. Everyone in this shucking Glade does." He looks over his shoulder as the last of the light is blocked from a window being boarded up. The room falls into semi-darkness. "Catch you later, princess." George says, before walking into the crowd of Gladers. 

I turn to watch him leave with a totally flabbergasted look upon my face. Quickly, however, it's wiped, as I hear something that makes everyones blood run cold. 

A dead moan held the air in it's fist, then squeezed. The Grievers have arrived. 

"They'll keep coming' each night, pick one of ya up until you're all gone!" I hear a familiar voice. I lift my head, and see a crazed Gally running over to the window. He had entered the Homestead, but how? He was supposed to be in the Slammer!

Gally turns and rips the wood off the window. Gladers shout, some loud and others quiet. They rush over to him, including Newt and Thomas, trying to get him away from the window. 

"Gally! Get away!" Lamar rushes over and grabs the males back, ripping him away from the window. Gally swings over and lands a punch right onto Lamar's face, causing the male to stumble back and clutch his jaw. 

Gladers were starting to panic now, talking amoung each other and trying to wrestle Gally to the ground. 

It was starting to get loud, so loud that everyone didn't bother hiding their panic when the Homestead gave a shudder. Something was climbing up the side of it, and I didn't need to hear the mechanical humming to know it was a Griever. 

"Shuck!" I shout, running over to grab Minnie's arm. She had gone pale in fear, stumbling back.

The uncovered window suddenly became home to the face of Griever. it squeezed and twisted it's body, trying to get inside. It's large mechanical legs clutched the outside of the Homestead, before swinging it's claw. It smashed into the side of the Homestead, and wood splintered, going everywhere. 

Gladers screamed, stumbling backwards. Some were gripping weapons. Lamar jumps to his feet, and brings out his katana. Some Gladers, including George, were watching him with wide and astonished eyes. 

"Get out of the way!" He shouts, taking a step forward. Gladers stumbled off of Gally, as the Griever began to slam more into the Homestead. The windows and walls began to give way, and I noticed that more Grievers were coming into the Homestead. The very foundations, already rickety, shook like there was an earthquake. 

Lamar runs to the Griever, yelling loudly, like a battle screech. His katana was about to come down, when suddenly, he was flung back. Gally was back up, and everyone fell silent, watching the Griever finally enter the room, flexing it's joints. 

"Don't say I didn't warn you." He said quietly before falling backwards into the Griever. The claw held Gally up, clutching around his torso and pressing into him. I watched as the Griever slowly slunk back out of the room, dragging a limp Gally with it in it's huge clutches. 

Slowly, the Grievers all hop off the Homestead, causing it to shake. The Gladers remained sitting, absolutely still, some in shock of what they just saw. The sounds of Grievers slowly died until there were no more sounds, except for heavy breathing, shaking foundations, and the crackling of torches.

I see Newt run up and look out the window. His golden hair shimmers in the torchlight. "They're leaving. With Gally."

He paused, then gasped, before sticking his head out the window even more. In the dim, amber light, I could see an expression of pure horror and devastation on his face. 

"And he set fire to the bloody Map Room as well!"

As Gladers run to see the fire, I stand there, the world going black and white for a second as I suddenly remember something I should have this whole time-

The Maze is a code.

The Maze In Her Heart (Newt, Minho ::The Maze Runner.)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now