CHAPTER THIRTY TWO: Rushing To My Certain Death.

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We grab our book bags and stand in front of the maze door entrance, letting the breeze muss our hair around. The smell of moldy and damp wood is still fresh in my nostrils, like I never left the wooden hut. I grip the left strap of the book bag with my left hand, my right hand tapping useless melodies into my right leg. Newt stands next to me, staring into the depths of the maze thoughtfully, gripping a glass-shard spear.

Lamar, George, Roxie, and Liam are behind us, all carrying weapons as well. With a straight face, Lamar looks straight ahead, gripping his katana and flexing his fingers with his free hand. George was scratching the back of his neck, free hand holding a hammer. Minnie and Minho are making their way through the crowd of Gladers to be up front. Chuck is in the crowd, standing beside Sammantha. Thomas is thick in the crowd as well, holding two large pans that can cause quite a dent. Frypan is standing next to Winston and Zart, who are both wielding very dangerous blood house weapons. 

I'm the only one not with a weapon, besides Minnie and Chuck, who have agreed to come with me and type in the code, and look for a way out while the Gladers fight off the Grievers. I was a bit uneasy to hear that we would be left defenseless, but Newt told me that he'd do everything in his strength to protect us. 

Minnie stands by my side as Minho makes his way in front, Thomas trailing behind. "You shanks ready to go?" He asks, grim.

"Wait!" Newt says. "You should say some words of inspiration." He glances over at his friend, who raises a brow.

Minho smirks, tilting his head slightly to the left so he can see the crowd in full Minho view. "Be careful. Don't die."

"Great, now we're all bloody inspired." Newt remarks, and then we set off. We're running, out of this damp, musty place we used to call home. Out of this blood bath were every second wasted is another Glader dead at our feet. I feel like I'm free, following the two boys in front, watching their backs bob in the light gray light. About ten minutes in, some Gladers start to jog instead of run, so I trail behind, keeping the end of the group in check. I remain there until we see it.

The large opening that wasn't there before. Minnie and Minho turned to look back at us, Minho wielding his weapon while Minnie glanced over at Chuck and I. 

"This can't be... I've lived in the Maze for years. It's never done this." Lamar said quietly, but the maze was so silent that his voice echoed for what could be assumed as miles. George glanced at him, biting his thumb nail. 

"So this is our way out?" He confirmed.

"It's the end." Sammantha said, gripping the straps of her bookbag, eyes wide. 

We slowly make our way down the opening, everyone looking up at the word WICKED. Some Gladers murmur, whispering to themselves in worry, confusion, and excitement. I turn to look at them, watching as Thomas reaches up and touches the big letter I. I bite my lip, and look back at Newt. 

"Newt, what-" I begin, suddenly cut off as a Griever wails. Everyone stumbles back and glances around, some clutching their weapons, other clutching their ears. 

"Shanks, keep your weapons up!" Minho shouts, raising his weapon and standing in front of Minnie. 

I look about, messing with my collar. The Griever had shouted, but it was nowhere in sight. "Where is it?"

Clint, the medjack, suddenly screamed and everyone turned to see a Griever jumping from the brambles of ivy, right on top of him. 

"Clint!" Thomas shouted and Gladers ran forward, weapons raised and screams leaving their mouths. I watch as they begin to pummel at the Griever, who simply smacks them away and into the walls with its large claw. 

"Marie!" Minnie shouts, grabbing my arm. I nod and follow her, running as well as I could with my splint. A Griever jumps down from its perching spot on the wall. I think for a quick second- was it waiting for us? It couldn't have, it's too stupid- right?

We stumble back, shouting. A pan from Chuck's bag fell and clattered away, attracting the attention of some Gladers. 

"Help!" I shout, looking around desperately. There was not a weapon in sight, and the Griever in front of us was stretching its mechanical joints, ready to attack. The Griever wails, flickers its eyes over the three of us, and shoots its claw out. I screech, raising my arms to fend it off, only to see it go right for Minnie. It sweeps her off her feet, which she kicks madly. 

"Minnie!" Chuck shouts, scrambling for his pan. As he does, another Griever comes tunneling from down one of the alleys, squealing like a pig. It's legs thudded, causing the ground to tremble with each step. I run over and push him away, as the Griever rushes towards me. 

A banishing stick flies through the air and into the side of the Griever, causing it to stumble and screech to a stop. I turn to see a breathless Newt standing there, another stick in his hand. "Go!" He shouts, before rushing forward to the Griever with Minnie. He stances himself before jabbing the Griever, pushing the sharp spear into the monster. It wailed, dropped Minnie with a thump, and swung its claw towards Newt. He ducked, but lost balance, crashing to the floor. 

"Newt!" Chuck shouted, but Newt was scrambling away, motioning for us to go. I start rushing off, turning back to see the first Griever getting up and shaking madly. It rears back its legs and head, before charging after the blonde boy on the floor, who was unsheathing his machete. 

Totally unaware. 

I open my mouth to say something, but Minnie grabs my arm and pulls me into the room with the key board. 

"Newt!" I shout, but the walls slam shut, and I'm left in the breathless darkness with Minnie, Chuck, and the expectant screen.

The Maze In Her Heart (Newt, Minho ::The Maze Runner.)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now