CHAPTER SIX: Minnie chasing Minho.

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"Rise and shine Greenie!" A chirpy british voice broke me from my murky and foggy dreams. My eyes fluttered open to see Newt's smiling face beaming down at me. I yelped and almost stumbled out of my hammock, flinging on my arms to grab the hammock sides. 

"You scared me." I said in defense when seeing him rear his head back and began laughing. He was a whole new person today- it was like as soon as he woke up, he knew today would be better than yesterday.

"You bloody klunked your pants!" He cackled and reached over, slapping his knees. The fluttering fear in my heart quickly turned to a fluttering butterfly, and a smile unfolded across my face as I watched his smiling face. 

I got out of my hammock and gave a stretch.

Newt walked over to Minnie's hammock and gave it a quick shake. He gave another breathless laugh before repeating, "Rise and shine Greenie!"

"Newt," Minnie whined, in a loud whisper, "Can't we at least sleep in?" 

"Newt.. please.." I also pleaded, but he only shook his head, the smile on his face suggesting that he was enjoying every bit. The sun had just started to rise over the huge, blocky walls. A few birds flew across the light blue and yellow sky.

"Come on girls, I want you to see the Runners take off." Newt said. 

"Runners?" I questioned, tilting my head. Newt nodded, looking at me with that smile.

Where his eyes scrunch up, and his smile stretches across his face. I love that.

"What are Runners?" Minnie asked. Thomas sat up and yawned, before scrambling over his hammock to shove on some shoes.

"Come on girls, we gotta go." Newt said excitedly, before limping off towards the walls.

Minnie and I glanced at each other and smiled before following him.


I hated that my limp slowed me down, but rushing across the Glade with the greenies was a better situation than sitting in my room this morning to dwell on Alby. Being with the girls to teach them would give me something else to do- and maybe that's why I was in such a good mood this morning.

They were so slow. I smiled and glanced over at them from behind my shoulder. Despite their speed, I can sense they respected me. And that made my heart a little fluttery whenever I thought of the fact that Marie, in a way, looked up to me.

To me, of all people.

Minnie, however, did scare me slightly. Marie had a soft attitude and personality, I got along with her better than any I did with her sister. 

When they finally reached me, I turned to face the wall. Minho, a tall sarcastic Asian boy, started stretching, leaning down and letting his fingers brush the ground. A pack of food and water laid next to him. I glanced over and saw Tommy running up, out of breath.

The twins were watching Minho now, eyeing his runner get-up. He straightened up and gasped when seeing the girls. At once, he ran his hands through his hair, as if perfecting it into the perfect quiff.

"Holy klunk," he began, but I grabbed Marie's arm, glaring at him. 

"Don't you dare, you have a job to get to." I say. His eyes were not on Marie though, but Minnie. He smiled at me with his head tilted down. 

"Whatever shank." he scoffed.

Minnie was frowning at Minho. The advances and looks he was giving didn't sit well with her. "Just go do your running stuff and I'll do my stuff."

Minho winked at her. "Only if I can have your hand at dinner tonight," he said, and very smoothly as well. A spare though crossed my mind: Did he practice this at night? Surely I would have heard, he's as loud as the bloody box alarms. 

Tommy punched his arm, "Come on man, let's go." He then made his way to the doorway of the doors, jogging in place.

Minnie smirked. I wanted to warn Minho that had had just gotten himself involved into a challenge, but she had already started to speak. "Why don't you go have dinner with a piece of klunk?" she snaps at him. The first slang out of her mouth, and it was insulting Minho. Nice.

I wonder who taught her what klunk meant. My eyes flickered over to Marie, who was choking back gales of laughter.

I find myself laughing at the sight of it, and Minnie's comment, and soon everyone is laughing. "Or you could have dinner with Newt." Minnie said suddenly, turning on me, smirking. I stopped laughing, my hands hovering above my mouth. 

"What did I bloody do?"

Minho turned his now-serious face to Minnie, scratching the back of his neck. "You little shuck. You're a piece of work." And with that, he motioned Tommy, and both of them jogged off towards the Homestead. 

After their retreating backs disappeared in the mist, I turned to the girls. Minnie looks flushed. "Do you like him?" I decided to tease her, propping my chin up with my fist.

Minnie frowned at me, before snapping, "No! I'd rather eat glass."

And with that, she stormed off to the Homestead, with that same angry sassy walk Minho had sometimes.

Marie chased her while laughing, and I watched her, without meaning to. My hand fell slowly as I watched the subtle bounce of her long curls, and her side profile, mouth open with her laughs filling the Glade's atmosphere. It was such a lovely thing to hear- her laugh. I would switch places with any bloody Glader here to hear that when waking up. 

"Hey Newt." Chuck said suddenly, behind me. I gasped, and placed a hand above my heart. The young boy had snuck up, so silently... Or was I so out of it that I didn't notice? 

"Why are you staring at Marie like that? Like you're in love, huh? Huh?" The preteen was giggling, and nudging me. I blushed a bit and shook my head. 

"Go do your ... thing. Job. Bloody whatever it is you do." I laughed uneasily, before taking off after the twins.


I never knew Minnie was so fast until she was trying to get away. 

"Minnie!" I yelled at her back. "Stop!" Laughs kept leaving my mouth, and I couldn't stop them. What had happened earlier was too funny. She slowed, and I caught up to her. Quickly grabbing her arm, I turned to make her face me.

"Do you feel violated?" I asked with a large smile across my face.

"No." she replied shortly.



"Lovey?" This time I added a kissing noise.

"I said no! I want to be a Runner." she suddenly turns to me, arms crossed across chest.

"Say what? A bloody runner? Are you mad?" said Newt as he ran up to us.

"Yes." she snapped at him. He smirked. 

"Good luck. I think you chased all your chances away rejecting Minho." He said, then added, "Besides, we don't let Greenies be runners first thing." 

Minnie sighed and kept her arms crossed across her chest, looking away. I could tell she was serious by the slight pout in her lip, and furrow of her brows. Clearing my throat, I looked over at Newt.

"Come on." He said, walking towards to Homestead. "We have lots of work to do. We're going to hold a new gathering. We still have to figure out what to do with you guys."

The Maze In Her Heart (Newt, Minho ::The Maze Runner.)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now