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I walk down the stairs of the Homestead, looking for Minnie. Ever since the walls closed on her sister and Newt, only a few hours ago, she's been in her room. Probably about to run away, or something like that. Minnie was spontaneous like that, and I was surprised she hadn't tried to scale the walls to get inside the Maze to her sister.

I knock on the room she's in and she peeks her head out, her eyes sorrowful. "What?" Her hair wasn't pinched back into a bun like it usually was- instead it fell around her face in curls. I felt my jaw drop, and I quickly closed it.

"Why don't you come on out...?" 

"..." She looked up at me like a sad puppy. It was unnerving to see my sassy partner-in-crime falling apart.

"They'll be okay. Newt is a clever shuck. He used to be a runner, too." I knew I was speaking straight lies- Newt was a runner, but he wasn't one anymore for a reason. I wanted to have faith in my friend, and I tried my hardest to fall into the mindset of my words.

"Oh God." Minnie said, as if just realizing Newt was with Marie. "They're going to die for sure." She moaned and rubbed her temples in stress.

"Minnie, can we please just think about this logically?" I ask, throwing my hands in the air. I'm not one for begging, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Especially if you like this person.

Minnie sighs and steps out. She's wearing a new outfit. A green t-shirt with dark denim jeans, and her signature scowl. 

"What do you expect us to do? We're desperate. We have a girl in a coma, our leaders stuck in the Maze, and Gladers are dropping left and right from getting stung."

I scratch the back of my head. "I guess we're just gonna have to try to get things in order. There's always the chance Newt and Marie might live." I respond. I give her a charming, nervous smile. "I was in that maze too, you know? I told Newt what had happened. I trust in him. And Marie." I add, staring down at her. 

I was trying.

"Fine." She paused after a moment, biting her bottom lip. I could tell she was still worried. "Who's watching the girl?"


"That shuck? Why?"

"Thomas is with Chuck, and Zart, Frypan, and Winston are busy, and we have responsibilities."

Minnie sighs sadly. I've never seen her like this before. "Alright. What's on the adgenda?"

"We need to calm down the Gladers and get them into bed."

We both head out into the stale night, and the torches are blazing brightly. I pause in front of a group of Gladers.

"Guys, I know there's a lot going on, but we need to head into bed." I say, scratching the back of my neck.

"Minho, what are we gonna do?" asks one of the Gladers. 

"We're gonna wait until morning then we're gonna go check on the girl. And when the walls open, we'll try to find Newt and Marie."

I hear grumblings of protest, yet the Gladers are slump into their beds, and some slink off to the Homestead. As they disperse, I look over at the maze walls, and find myself doing a smallprayer:

Dear whatever is out there... Don't kill those slintheads.


I walked over to Minnie and stretched out my arms. I was about to comment on how it seems all the Gladers are in settled in, when Winston approaches us, his pimply face pale in the torchlight. "Have you seen Bark? The cattle are going crazy without him being able to herd them."

The Maze In Her Heart (Newt, Minho ::The Maze Runner.)  ✔Where stories live. Discover now