Chapter Twenty Eight: Saddened

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Ellie's POV:

"Do you want honesty or the cookie cutter?" Feeling like flood gates of tears and words were about to come pouring out of me.

"Anything you say will not be shared," she murmured, smiling sweetly. Sighing, I put my head in my hands and tried to fight the urge to cry.

"Um, things between Harry and I are kind of tense right now. Just everything with my dad and then other circumstances have just strained us a little bit."

"What do you mean love?" Should I tell his mom we had sex? I mean, it'd be awkward but she'd be the only person I'd talk to about this kind of thing. Alright.

"Um, Harry and I," I sighed, hesitant to tell her. "Harry and I made love."

"We're you safe?" Holy shit. She was calm.

"Yes. Absolutely."

"Go on."

"Well, he told me he loves me and I haven't said it back. I told him I trusted him which to me is bigger than telling someone you love them."

"Well my darling," Anne cooed, taking a sip of her tea. "I see the way you look at Harry. I see how you smile when you're around him. When he's not around you, he's different. He's less vibrant and happy. It's almost like you charge him. He loves you. I see it in his smile and how he blushed when someone brings you up. He's never told anyone but Gemma and I he loves them." My eyes widened and I could feel the familiar burn of tears in the corner of my eyes.


"My dear, Harry is a special boy. He has his way of making you feel special and he's truly a kind hearted person. Always putting others first and never thinking just of himself. When he was younger, I'd come home from work with a box of doughnuts from time to time and he'd let everyone else get on before he would get one. Even when Gemma would have her friends over, he'd want to take them little snacks or make them something. I see that with you. I know you may feel like it's too good to be true, but it's not. He's been through so much everyone is surprised he hasn't hardened completely," she smiled. "He's had plenty of girls hurt him, but he sews his heart back together and keeps going. All I ask is that you don't hurt him." I took an awkward sip of my tea and sighed, trying to think of something to say.

"I won't. I could never," I replied sincerely.

"Moving on, how are things with your dad? Do you still need to stay here?" Her eyes were slightly teary.

"Yes ma'm. It's just not a good situation right now. But, I don't want to overstay my welcome here."

"You're fine, ducky. As long as you and my Harry don't get busy every night, I'll be fine." We both chuckled lightly and I heard the front door open. Hearing Harry's heavy footsteps walking toward us, I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey," he sighed.

"Hey," I beamed.

"Um, mum, Ellie and I are gonna go talk in my room, just yell if you need anything." Standing and following him to his room, he closed the door quietly.

"Is everything okay?" he asked.

"Between her and I, yes. You and I, probably not." Sitting down criss-cross in the middle of his bead, he climbed across from me and kept his eyes down.

"Babe?" I murmured. "Will you look at me?" His long hair hung in his face and I copied his action, grabbing his chin lightly and pushing it up. His eyes were red and puffy, glassy as well. He had been crying.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Harry replied quietly.

"You know you can tell me anything."

"I know. Nothing's wrong."

"Harry, I can tell something is wrong. Talk to me, baby."

"I'm just tired."

"Harry." He was silent. I could see tears silently falling down his cheeks and felt the familiar burn in my eyes. Climbing into his lap, I held his cheeks in my hands.

"Tell me what's wrong," I sniffled, now both of us crying.

"I love you. So much," he sniffed. In this moment, I realized... I loved him too.

"I-I love you too," I sighed. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I put my butt against his legs and hugged him. His arms tightened around me and we sat there for what felt like hours, just holding each other. Running my fingers through his soft, curly hair, I kissed his forehead before kissing him softly. He kept our mouths together, lips warm and slightly salty from our mix of tears. He was gentle. I remembered he said he got aggressive, but I had yet to see it. Maybe it was all bark and no bite. The kiss deepened and his hand moved to the back of my neck before the other one cupped my cheek. Feeling his sharp jawline against my fingers, I relished in it.

There was something about Harry that made me feel so drawn to him. Whether it be his physical presence or just the mention of his name, it was something. My hand rested on the back of his neck as I pulled away and touched my forehead to his.

"I love you," his accented voice murmured.

"I love you," I breathed shakily and you would've thought we'd just won the lottery with how wide both of our smiles got. It felt weird to tell Harry I loved him. It'd only been three weeks but it felt like it'd been years.

"Can I ask you something?" I whispered, carding my fingers through his hair.

"Anything," he smiled.

"Will you tell me what has hurt you the most in life?" He was silent for a moment before looking down at our joined hands.

"When I'm not around you."

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