one || little bit farther away

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what exactly can you say to someone like him? do you ask how he found your new apartment? do you ask what happened for him to shut you out for so long? could you even bring up the subject of your own troubled past? do you ask him who he is, just to confuse him. so many different ways you can approach him as he stands knee deep in snow in front of your studio apartment. he looks up with his black hoodie on top of his head. his dimple showing through his frown as he looks up at you with distant eyes, squinting a little to see if it was actually you. should you turn around and run away? should you just let him explain himself? what are you exactly wondering?

how long ago did i fall asleep?

" how long ago did i fall asleep? " you ask your father while waking up in a hospital bed. he calls in the doctors as they start to cheer and run in and everyone starts telling you things at once. you look about the white room in confusion and see a IV injected in your arm. you immediately start to feel scared, because you are terrified of needles and any sharp object really.

" what is happening? " you ask while the doctor is calming down the nurses, press and paparazzi as they snap pictures of your expression of confusion.

" you have been in a comma for 3 years." the doctor announces as your father starts to cry.

" how is this possible, i don't know why i'm here, what happened, who i am or why everyone is taking pictures of me. "

" amnesia, you woke up with amnesia. " the doctor explains to you as your father starts to cry harder.

its been a year since you woke up,

you still don't have your full memory back, but you know who you are somewhat. you broke away from your single fathers tight grip and finally moved away. you moved to a tiny studio apartment, after raising 4,000$ for yourself just for the plane ticket from the united states to Australia, that was the deal with you father at least, he says he will pay for school and the apartment. its a little scary, not really knowing anyone or yourself. the people who you do know, don't exactly know who you are. you don't even know who you are yet. sometimes you'll wake up in the middle of the night and remember little things about your past life, but no one will tell you how you formed amnesia or how you got to the hospital in the first place. your father has told you about your mothers incapability to be with my father and with a family. from what you've heard she's just a drop out mother. you picked up what you remember of your life and moved a half a world away. just to start completely new. things have been okay so far. you have some friends, but no one you can trust yet.

lets start this story and go to when you first started in Australia.

Noel's P.O.V//-

"you need to get a job." your father tells you over the phone as you sigh and put on your black combat boots over your ripped dark jeans. i agree that i would find a job before college classes start and finally hang up the phone. right before i look at my long light brown hair against my Blink 182 shirt before walking out into the cloudy June day. I take out my phone as I walk into a Starbucks about 5 minutes away from apartment. to avoid confrontation with anyone, especially the group of three boys sitting at the table. i quickly order and sit in the corner as the workers make my drink. I open twitter on my phone as I scroll through the random tweets and mentions on my time line. I see a long paragraph and start to read about me, and how I abandoned all my treatment and moved across the world. I feel the tears start to form as I look down and grab my drink and put the straw in. I continue to look down as I turn around. I walk out the door fast and run straight into a tall blonde boy and spill my drink down the front of him.

" are you kidding me?" I say the tears rushing down my face as the boy looks at me worried. I find myself sitting on the floor and looking up at the boy as he looks like he is about to talk to me but seems too scared to actually speak. "I-I'm sorry." he stutters after a couple minutes of me crying. " i didn't know that you running into me could make you this upset, but I can go get you a new one if you're that much of a white girl?" he jokes to me. I look up at him and see his blue eyes meet mine. he smiles at me and holds his hand out to help me up. " my names Luke." I nod quietly and try to wipe the mascara off my face as the cute boy in front of me looks at me smiling still.

" I'm noel." i finally say " and that would be wonderful." he smiles bigger and opens the door for me as I walk in.

" oooo, Luke brought a girl?" I hear one of the boys in the corner I was avoiding say. Luke tells me to ignore them as I order. I see him look back and then and put his finger up to shush them. I don't speak to him I just keep thinking about the article and how no one called to ask how I was. when he buys me the drink he offers me to sit down with him and his friends.

" oh uh, I don't know. I'm sure they won't like me." I say denying him.

" nonsense, come sit." he tells me. I nod and sit down in the booth. one of the boys tells me he has to leave and gets up and leaves before I figure out his name.

" I'm Michael !" says a weird orange haired boy. " and I'm calum." says a boy with black hair and a lip ring. " hello." I say forcing a smile. they compliment my accent and talk to me all day long. we sat in that Starbucks for almost four hours chatting about their lives. I didn't tell them much of mine, because I don't quite know myself.

" so it was nice meeting you guys, but I need to go find a stupid job." I say getting up and grabbing my bag.

" aw noo, let us come with!" Lukes thick accent begs as he bites his lip anxiously. I agree as they tell me that their friend works at a local music store around the corner.

" hey cal, I found your future girlfriend!" Michael says holding up a movie cover of a dog covered in dirt.

" heyyy, not fair!" Calum objects. we laugh as Luke walks up to a curly haired boy as he sits there banging on the cardboard box with his headphones in his ears. they talk for a couple minutes as I see the boy and Luke point and me and wave. I sigh as Michael throws a candy wrapper at me. I look over at him with frown as I throw it back.

" lammeeee." he says throwing a DVD at me. I shrug and pick up a drumstick that is sitting next to me and throw it at him. he laughs and agrees that I can actually throw. " you're very quiet Noel." calum tells me as he sits next to me on the bench.

" I guess I'm just shy." I lie, actually just a little overwhelmed by these random three boys talking to me and being so nice. " well tell me about yourself, like when you were little." he replies poking my cheek.

" I don't really know." I say looking down at my long sleeves nervously. " oh come on, you can tell us." Michael says playing with his dyed hair. " no I mean I honestly don't remember." I say as they both look at me confused. " I will tell you later, I promise." I tell them as Luke walks up and tells me I got the job. I smile largely and thank him a million times for what he's done today. I tell him I have to leave, because they wanted me to start work at 7 AM tomorrow. he tells me goodbye as I walk out the door and down the street. I plug in my ear buds and blast one directions album until I reach my studio apartment. I walk up the stairs and unlock the door to see my kitten run up to me in excitement.

" awwww hello my little pumpkin." I tell her as I sit down and pet her before filling her food bowl and water dish. I put in a microwave meal and hop in the shower. when I get out I throw on a large t-shirt over my underwear and eat my meal. when I was done I slide into bed, careful to set my alarm for 6:30, so I'm not late for work in the morning.

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