twelve- im a mess

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Lukes p.o.v; 

I walk back into the cafe, seeing Noel, Ashton, Michael and Calum look over at me nervously. I sit down and put my head in my hands, sighing. I feel Noel sit up from Ashtons grip as she takes my hands from my head and hugs me tight. 

" Follow  her. " She whispers to me. I look at her confused, 

" She ran away. " I quietly reply.

" She wants you to chase her. " Michael tells me, looking me straight in the eyes. I look over at Noel, her being the only girl at the table. She nods in approval and hands me my jacket while pushing me out of the booth. 

" Go get her. " She tells me as Ash pulls her into a tight cuddle position, making her giggle. I nod and run out of the door. The streets busy with people, my eyes search and wonder to where she might have ran off to. I think hard, slipping into my car and starting it. I thought about where she could be, while biting my lip nervously. I drove to my apartment, knowing the memories would drag her here. I walk up the stairs and see her sitting with her back against my door, sobbing into her hands.

" do you remember that night?" I ask her, sitting down across from her. She looks up, wiping her eyes.

" yeah. We came home from a Chinese restuarnt, and you were complaining about the old cat that sits on the window seal." She sniffles.

" and then you got a call. " I say, looking into her eyes.

" and I went into the bathroom, and wouldn't come out for hours. " she tells me, as if I wasn't there.

" and when you finally came out, you said you loved Ashton, and you were leaving." I announce quietly.

" I should have never left you." She says, sobbing. I nod, agreeing but then stop myself. I stand up, and hold out my hand to help her up. She grabs ahold of it, and stands up sniffling as I open the door. I turn on my sterio, and start to play ed sheerans song, I'm a mess. She hymns along as she stands awkwardly in the corner. I grab her hand and spin her around, dancing for a while before I step on her feet, being the clumsy 6 foot giant I am.
Noels p.o.v;

As we sit in the Starbucks once, its been about an hour since luke went to go find lux and we've been sitting her chatting about random things while Ashton's giggle makes everyone calm down a bit to realize its gonna be okay. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket , as I reach out and pull it out. Ashton looking over my shoulder and making a joke about calums hair as I open it from Lux.
' hey, I need your help with something for luke.'

I showed the guys before responding back to her, agreeing to help. She tells us that her and lukes first date was at a beach,and wanted us to recreate it while she spends the day with him. I look over at Ashton, after showing them the text. He nods and leans in to whisper in my ear.

" I've got you baby girl. "

His rough voice gives me shivers as I get up to go help lux.

" I'm in. " Mikey says standing up from the booth. I smile as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. I see ashton give him a look and mikeys laughing in response. We all help lux set her thing up at the beach, pillows, blankets and snacks with water balloons. I text her and tell her its done and she replies with a smiley face.

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