eleven || Sleepwalking

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" This is ridiculous Noel! I need answers. " Luke says looking straight at me. I look up, startled. 
"Ask anything you want to know. " I reply, looking deep into his eyes. I can tell that he was finding the words to say, he was struggling to be this close to me. 
" Why would you hurt me like that? " He asks, after a long pause. I look down and fiddle with my button on my cardigan. I see the pain in his eyes, as we connect glaces yet again. I feel a tear rush down my face as he runs out of the coffee shop without me answering. I look over at Noel, cuddling with Ashton. She nods to me in reassurance, as if she knew that I was mentally asking her ' should I go after him? '  
A tear falls down my cheek as get up, running after the boy that I emotionally broke, two years before. I forget about my bag, my drink and even my own thoughts as I run out into the pouring rain looking for him. I can't see anything until I turn into the nearby alley and see him sitting with his back against the wall, and his perfect blonde hair flat over his forehead from the water and the sleeves of his jacket are wet from either tears or the rain, I really couldn't tell. I walk slowly to him and hold out my hand to help him up. His icy blue eyes avoid mine as he grabs my hand, standing up, towering over me. I grab his face and force his eyes to look into my deep blue ocean ones. 
" because I couldn't  handle true love. " I answer as he tries to back away from my grip. " Luke, I couldn't handle having anyone love me as much as you did, that's why I left Ashton, because I couldn't handle having his words stuck in my mind of such a huge word like love. " 
He pulls away from my grip and looks down towards his feet, putting his big hands in his sweatshirt pocket. 
" The night I left you Luke, I hope you remember the tears down my face too, that summer night when I told you I couldn't handle being without Ashton? That was all fake, I thought Ashton just wanted a fuck buddy. Not love. But let me tell you, you were what I wanted. " 
" Were? " He finally blurts out. I look at him shocked as his eye brows quirk in questioning tone. His tear stained cheeks are almost as teared as mine. 
" Are. " I correct myself. He looks at me, opening his mouth to say something. If he's anything like he was, I know he just wants to kiss me right now. It's always been his action to fix and mend things. But this time he looks up, looking straight into my eyes. 
" What do you want from me?" He asks, after a long process of thinking. His harsh tone startles me, this isn't the Luke that I knew before. Before I could even reply he speaks again, the same cold tone as before, " I've built these walls, so high because you ruined me. And right now, you can't break them down with a few pitty words. " 
I look at him, the rain hitting the pavement underneath me harder and harder as I breathe heavily, thinking of his words. The pain sweeps over me as I turn around and run. Run farther and farther away from my pain and problems. I turn the corner, lost my mind is whirling with thought as I wonder where I was, with no phone, no wallet and worst of all. No Luke. 


im so sorry this is really short, longer chapters coming soon I promise! It's finals week & it's crazy busy. 

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