six || 2 o'clock in the morning.

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All of a sudden my mind screams at me to stop, I ignore my head as the alcohol whirls through my body.
His lips connect to mine and his tongue slips into my mouth as we stand up. His arms wrapped around my body and mine around his neck. He picks me up as I wrap my legs around his waist, continuing to kiss. He walks to my bedroom and shoves me against the wall, intensely kissing down my neck and I let out a low moan.
" Ash. " I say as he kisses my neck once again, reaching down to remove my shirt.
" Shhh. " he says removing my shirt exposing my giant scar on my stomach. He backs away from me confused. His stare at my stomach showing that he was suddenly unattracted to me.
" I'm sorry. " he tells me. " I wasn't expecting that."
" You should have let me explain " I say with tears forming in my eyes.
" It's... disgusting. " he tells me backing away farther. I don't reply as I run into the bathroom and slam the door shut. I turn the light off as the tears fall down my face, looking at the ugly scar that was made upon my skin. I slip onto the cold tile floor, crying harder. I hear the apartment door open and close shut again. I rest my head down on the tile before falling asleep.
It's 2 AM when I stumble upon Lukes apartment door. I knock on it, he opens in confusion as to who would be at his door this late.
" I did something stupid. " I tell him and he opens the door touching his hair
" ashton?" Calum asks pausing the movie him and Luke were watching.
" I went too far with Noel." I announce to them rubbing my temples in frustration.
" explain." Luke tells me as he hands me aspirin and a bottle of water. I explain to them what had happened and Luke became irritated.
" so you just walked away? are you stupid?" Calum yells at me.
" I was drunk!" I tell them.
" here's what you're gonna do. " Luke tells me explaining the plan to get her back.
" Noel. " I hear a voice say sweetly. I stand up sniffling and open the door." You have work in an hour. " Calum tells me as I push past him running around to get changed. " Noel. " He tells me, sitting on the bed. I don't answer as I put a baggy sweater over my sports bra.
" NOEL. " Calum screams again stopping me with both hands on my shoulders.
" Calum I don't have time!" I tell him.
" Ashton didn't mean it. " He explains to me as I look down.
" If he didn't mean it then why would he say it? " I tell him, escaping his grip and continuing to get ready. He doesn't reply and walks out the front door. I put on a pair of jeans and my vans before pulling my hair into a bun. I take two pills for my headache, feed Pumpkin and walk out the door. I leave it unlocked, because I know i'm already an hour late for work. When I arrive, i walk in the glass doors and enter the music store, automatically apologizing to Ashton for being so late. He doesn't answer me, instead he watches me with sad eyes while I set my bag on the counter next to the register. The bell rings, indicating that a customer has walked into the store. I greet the man as he smiles at me, asking where the albums for Ed Sheeran were kept. I motioned him to the end of the store and he thanked me. I walked back to the register, and checked him out. The man walked out the door as Ashton turned the sign on the glass from ' opened ' to ' closed ' as I look at him confused.
" Come with me. " he says holding out his hand and looking into my eyes with a straight expression. I flinch for a moment, not exactly sure what to do. I was still upset about what he said last night in my bedroom and I wasn't sure what he was planning. I held out my hand, joining in his. He walked out the door, his hand still intertwined in mine. He locked the door, and opened his car door for me. I get in and he shuts it, rushing over to his side and getting in. He starts the car and looks at me with tears in his eyes. I look forward, avoiding eye contact. I could see his dimpled frown looking at me and he sighs. Starting to drive the car. He gets on the freeway, and starts to play music in the car. We don't speak the entire way to where ever he was taking me. I get out of the car as he takes my hand and walks me down a trail.
" Ashton, where are we going? " I ask him.
" Shush. " he tells me, walking off the trail with me not far behind. He opens a white fence up and strolls up a hill, filled with colorful fall leaves. He stops at the top of the mountain and looks over the city.
" Noel. " he says looking me in the eyes and holding both of my hands. I look at him confused.
" I was drunk, and completely stupid. I have a very similar scar from getting my appendix removed. " He tells me lifting up his shirt and exposing his scar. " But I have this thing about you, and I can't exactly tell you what it is. But you drive me crazy, one hundred percent insane."
" Ashton, you really hurt me last night. " I say removing my hands from his.
" I know, and I am so sorry. " He says looking at me.
" Is it really that bad? " I say, folding my arms over my chest.
" It's a scar Noel. " he expresses to me. " It's not going to be good. "
" See, this is why I don't trust any one. Because no one can have the decency to tell me the truth. " I say, raging. He looks at me with worried eyes. " All everyone has ever done, since I can remember is leave me. And if this entire plan is to get in my pants then drop me like nothing, no thanks. " I scream to him.
" I'm not like them! " He screams back trying to hold my hands again, as I pull away.
" How many times have you used that line on a girl? Ten? Twenty? " I scream at him and turn around to storm off. He grabs my arm, and pulls me close to his body.
" I've only ever been with one other girl, and she left me. So believe me, I know exactly what it feels like to be insecure, to feel like you're not good enough, and to want to end it all sometimes, to start new. " He says looking down at me, with one arm on my waist.
" you called me disgusting, and ran away when I was at my worst. " I remind him pulling away from his grip, tears streaming down my face. He stands there looking at me as a tear streams down his face.
" When I was 14, I ran into the bathroom and locked myself in there. It was the night my father called and said he didn't want to talk to me again and I took it out on myself. When I was in there I felt so venerable, like no one cared. I remember finding my mothers eye liner sharpener and taking the screw out with my fingernail and playing around with the blade, and I did things I severely regret. But I can't take back these scars, I can't go back and tell my mom what I was feeling and I defiantly can't take back the hurt full words said to me. " He tells me, tears staining his face. I lift up his arm, exposing his scar from that terrible night and I kiss it, gently. I look at him and wipe his tears away with my sweater sleeve.
" Ashton, I like how you make me wonder. I like how you treat me with people around, I like how you help me with anything I need, I like how mysterious you are sometimes, But nothing compares to the way you make me feel when you walk in the room. you can light up my day by looking at me, and smiling with those dimples. I like you. " I announce to him, looking deep into his eyes. He looks down at me and replies with
" I like you, so much more. "

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