nine || Here goes nothin'

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She quickly plugs in the curling iron before running into her room to get her makeup. She curls my hair, and french braids my bangs back. She puts some foundation, eyeliner, eye shadow, blush and mascara on me before rushing into my closet.
" What are you going to wear? " She asks me excited.
" Uhh, You're the fashion expert not me!" I say, looking through my dresses.
" Ahhh! I have the perfect outfit!" She tells me running into her room, bursting open her unpacked boxes. I walk into her room to see clothes, shoes and bags flying everywhere.
" What are you looking for? " I ask her, picking up some clothes and putting them on her bed. She pulls out a white sheer high low skirt and a grey t-shirt tight crop top.
" Found it! " she announces holding it up to my body.
" Are you sure I can pull that off? " I ask her skeptic of my body image.
" Shut up and go put it on. " she says pushing it into my hands and shoving me into the bathroom. I put it on and look in the mirror.
" oh my goodness, wear it!" She says as I walk out, showing her with a big smile on my face. " Ashton won't be able to keep his hands off of you!"
I giggle and grab my black heels and my phone. I hear the doorbell ring as I look over at Lux, squealing with excitement. She smiles big and opens the door.
" Have her home by eleven, Irwin. " She says making me giggle. I look at Ashton, with his black skinny jeans, red and black flannel and his black converse.
" You look beautiful." he tells me smiling large.
" Your not to bad yourself. " I say walking towards him as he puts his hand around my waist. He turns around as we walk back to his car and Lux screams from the front door, to us.
I giggle and he gives her a wave goodbye while opening my car door. I get in as he rushes over to his side. I smile at his cuteness as he gets in, starting the car.
" So i'm thinking Nandos? " He asks.
" You think correct. " I reply, smiling once again.
" You're so smiley today, babe. "
" You make me smile. "
He pulls into the parking lot for Nandos as I get out. He grabs my hand, and walks in with me. It's little things like this that drive me crazy about this boy, because he isn't afraid to show me off in public. As if telling people ' this girl is mine, and I love her. ' The waitress gives us a table and hands us menus. I thank her as she walks away.
" You know what, Noel." Ashton announces to me, looking deep into my eyes.
" What? " I reply looking right back at him.
" Do you remember in this restaurant, when we kissed? " He asks me, making me laugh.
" Oh yeah! Because of that waiter! " I say laughing harder.
" And my gum was left in your mouth. " he says, his contagious laugh making me laugh harder.
" That was actually quite disgusting. " I tell him, laughing.
" Well he's right over there. " He says pointing. I quickly look, as Ashton takes a sip of my milkshake.
" Excuse you sir, starting off a relationship by lying. " I scold, taking back my milkshake.
" Oh is this a relationship? " he asks me.
" I would really hope so, If not I wasted a really good outfit. " I reply looking down at my skirt. He looks at me, and laughs. His dimples exposing through his cheeks, deep and full of happiness. We spend the rest of the night, eating french fries and talking about literally nothing important. I learned that his favorite color is green, his middle name is Fletcher, and that he's in a band. He drops me off at my front door, walking me up. He looks down at me, and pushes my hair back out of my face.
" You're all I need." he announces, inches away from my lips. I stand on my tip toes, reaching my lips to his. His hands on my waist, mine in his hair.
" Damn, you're so kissable. " I tell him, looking into his hazel eyes.
" IT'S 11:01 IRWIN. " I hear Lux scream through the closed front door. I look over at the window as she gives me a shy smile and opens the door.
" Bye Ash. " I say giving him a quick peck on the cheek.
" Call me later? " he asks as I nod and he kisses my forehead. I walk in the door, take off my heels.
" EEEKKKKK. " I scream jumping up and down.
" You really like him, don't you? " Lux questions, feeds the cats.
" More then I like Ramen. " I tell her.
" Woah now, that's pretty extreme. " she explains, petting her cat.
" Wait whats your cats name again? " I ask her laughing.
" Sushi. " she says, making my laugh. Her thick accent still makes me laugh.
" So I say coffee tomorrow morning? At that Starbucks around the corner? " Lux asks, pulling up her sweatpants. I nod and walk into my room, removing my makeup with a wipe. I hop in the shower, washing my hair and body before getting out. I put on a pair of sweatpants and a white tank top. I hear my phone ringing, playing One Direction as I run over to answer it. I see Ashtons name lite up, as I smile big, Answering his call.
" Helloo. " I say flopping down on my bed.
" What're you doing babe? " He asks me. I can just imagine him sitting there, on his bed shirtless and a pair of baggy sweatpants, pushing his glasses up and flipping his curls to one side of his face.
" Just finished telling pumpkin about our date. " I kid.
" Does she agree that our kiss had fireworks too? "
" I think she does. "
I smile large and brush my hair quickly.
" Hunny, do you play FIFA? " Ashton asks me.
" Ehh, not really a fan of it. Why? "
" We're seriously meant to be. "
" I would hope so, because if not I think pumpkin would be extremely upset. "
" We wouldn't want a sad kitten would we?"
" Is my new nickname kitten now? "
" It actually might be. "
" hmm, what should I call you? "
" I'm not sure. "
I get off my bed and run into Lux's room. I ask her what I should call Ashton and she replies with a
" Daddy." and bursting into laughter.
" Daddy and kitten?" I ask Ashton through the phone.
" We're pretty dysfunctional. " He replies giggling.
" The word dysfunctional does have the key word of fun. " I slickly reply. I mouth thank you to Lux as she gives me a thumbs up and smiles. I walk out of her room and into the kitchen, pouring myself a cup of water. I hear Ashton giggle as he asks me to go to breakfast with him in the morning.
" Well, I sorta made plans for Starbucks with Lux. But i'm sure she won't care. Invite the boys too! " I say totally oblivious of the past.
" Sounds great. " His Aussie accent tells me, " goodnight Kitten."
" Goodnight Daddy." I say, hanging up the phone and bringing my water into my bedroom. I plug my phone into the charger, and turn off my light, drifting off into sleep.

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