thirteen || This is gospel

77 4 0

Skylers p.o.v-

Journal entry number 109;

It's been a couple months since Lux and Luke finally got together. I started college, and finished my first semester. It's late september and I'm about to finish my second semester. I don't have any idea what I want to do with my degree, but I guess one year of basics could get me started for a while. The boy's band, Five Seconds Of Summer has become a huge hit since Ashton was invited to be the drummer. It's almost crazy thinking that so many people love your boyfriend, and know so much about him when you're the lucky one to gets to spend time with him. It seems like life is going a little bit too great, I mean i'm used to things blowing up and getting so complicated but ever since Ashton and I got together it's been great. Oh, and I finally met Calums girl friend. Her name's Alissa and may I say, she's gorgeous, I have no idea how Calum managed that. I'm almost glad that we've all found someone that we love. All of us except Mikey that is.

- Noel
I shove my journal into my bag as my dad comes up and hugs me. I graduated just today and he has to get back to America for work. He hugs me, and tells me he's proud before getting in his car and leaving back to his country. I hear Luke, Calum and Mikey running towards me screaming.
" Noeelllll. " They say, picking me up into a giant hug. I laugh and say hello. They congratulate me as Ashton comes over from the bathroom and picks me up into a hug.
" How did I get so lucky? " He asks me, quietly in my ear as I giggled and shurg, kissing his cheek.
" I say celebratory dinner at Nandos? " Lux asks, and everyone agreeing. Mikey, Ashton and Luke get in one car and Calum lux and I in the other. When we get there the server gives us a booth and we pour into it. We talk about pointless stuff until we get our food. Shoveling in our meals, I feel Mikey playing with my hair. I slowly look over at him, confused as he looks over across the room.  I look in the direction we was but couldn't see anything that amusing. He grabs my face to point towards his and shushes me.
" Mikey? "  I ask confused.
" Shhh. " He says, everyone at the table looking at us now.
" That girl? "  Calum asks him as he nods, excited.
" Go ask her out! " Luke encourages him.
" Wait, what girl? " Lux states " Noe and I must approve first. "
" there. " Mikey says, releasing my face and pointing towards a tall, thin girl about 19 years old with long wavy black hair and dark eyes.
" Damn. " I say, approving.
" Same. " Lux says, giggling at my notion.
" What would I even say? " he asks, suddenly getting awkward.
" Girl you pretty. " Ashton says, making everyone laugh.
" That's the exact sentence he said to me. " I joke.
" No seriously guys!" Micahel gushes, nervously.
" Just go up to her and ask her if she wants to grab a drink with you. " Calum says, eating his taco.
" But wait, Noel fix his hair. " Lux says, looking intensely at his head.
" Whats wrong with it? " He asks, running one hand through it. I swat away his hand and adjust it, with a mini quiff and straight edges.
" You really fancy her, don't you? " Lux's England accent shining through a little more.
" She's pretty. " He responds.
" Girl you pretty. " Ashton repeats, making everyone burst out in laughter once again as Michael makes his way towards her. I could tell he was getting a bit nervous by the way he shoves his tiny hands in his pockets. We all watch him move his mouth, and he giggle and hand him a piece of paper before winking and turning around. He walks towards us with a huge smile and sets the napkin number on the table.
" What did you say? " Calum asks, as Mikey climbs back into the booth.
" I took your advice, then got nervous and said Ashtons. " He says, as we all laugh once again.
" You told her she looked pretty? " Lux asks, giggling.
" I said exactly, ' girl you pretty ' then quickly apologized, explain to her that i'm a loser and she laughed!" he gushes. " She didn't even get freaked out, she just handed me her number and walked away. "
We all applaud his achievement and pay our bill before getting back in our cars, and make our way to the joint house 5sos house they got recently. Calum opens the door and we all sit down on his couch, as the boys check their recent YouTube cover upload. Luke jumps up, excited and it scares all of us.
" Call this number. " Luke says, reading a number and Ashton putting it on speaker phone.
' hello, this is capitol records, may I ask the reason of your calling? ' a woman says, as we all gasp.
' Hello, this is Five Seconds Of Summer, we got an email from you guys saying that you wanted to sign a deal ?' Luke announces, as we all scream excited. Ashton hugs me tighter as we lay on the couch. I was so proud of them, they try extremely hard and it's absolutely insane how much they've accomplished. They recently met One Direction and sang a cover to them, it's crazy that they've actually gotten huge. Luke gets off the phone about an hour later, and we all jump around excited. Luke never really told Lux and I anything about what they said, but no matter what I know it was good news. The boy's seemed so excited and happy in their lives. I look over to see Ashton giggling over a joke Mikey recently made and I see pure happiness in his eyes. Not the sadness he described he felt in the bathroom the night he father called as a kid. It all just seemed right. We spent the rest of the week, excited for what the future holds. We all had a smile on our faces, Until the day that Ashton sat me down, and broke me down.

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