~ Nineteen ~

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Betty's P.O.V

I woke up in my room with strong arms wrapped around me. I looked up to the person and smiled when I saw the features of my beloved boyfriend sleeping soundly next to me. Seeing his raven hair falling next to his face looked more revealing and beautiful when he wasn't wearing his beanie. His chiseled jaw and his thin lips looked like perfection in my eyes. A curl fell over his flawless face, and without even thinking I brushed it out of his face, causing his eyes to flutter open.

*Betty, Jughead*

"Morning, beautiful." I giggled at his statement, which caused his smile to grow bigger.

"Morning, handsome," I smiled back to him.

"God I wish I could wake up to your beautiful face every morning." I felt myself start to blush and immediately looked down and started giggling. He put his hand under my cheek and brought my head up so that I was staring into his deep emerald eyes, then he spoke three magical words. "I love you." I was so star struck by this that I couldn't say anything, a smile just grew on my face. "Betty Cooper, I love you."

"And Jughead Jones, I love you." We both leaned forward and started kissing each other. The kiss was full of passion and love, and I never wanted it to end. I pulled away when I realised I hadn't checked the time. I looked over at the alarm clock on my bedside table, then turned back to Jughead. "Jug, it's 11 am. We need breakfast."

"You know me, I am always hungry." I giggled at his comment as I climbed out of bed. I grabbed his hand and we walked downstairs together into the kitchen. I knew my parents weren't home, but I was unsure about Veronica and Toni.

"You start breakfast while I see if Toni and Veronica are still home."

"Of course m'lady." I giggled at his comment and made my way upstairs. Once I got to Toni's room I slowly and quietly opened the door to reveal Toni and Veronica both on top of Toni's bed sleeping soundly. I closed the door without making a sound and headed back downstairs to the kitchen.

"They're soundly asleep up in Toni's room. So..." I started as I set myself up on the bench next to where Jughead was cooking. "What are you making me for breakfast?"

"Well, I'm making us chocolate chip pancakes!" I smiled over at him as my face immediately lights up.

"My favourite!"

"Only the best for you baby." He said to me as he set down the pancakes on the table. I was about to sit down on a chair when he looked at me and started speaking. "Nah ah princess, you're sitting with me." I was confused as to what he meant until he sat down and motioned for me to sit on his lap. I sat down and we started eating our pancakes together, just laughing at what each other has to say. After eating a bit I felt his hands on the sensitive parts of my stomach and suddenly felt the need to squirm out of his grasp.

"Jughead Jones don't you dare tickle me!" I screamed as I tried to get up out of his lap, but he only pulled me back and started tickling me more. "Stop!" I giggled as I finally got out of his grasp and ran to the kitchen for refuge, but he only followed me. Soon we were running around the kitchen and dining room while I was pleading for Jughead to stop tickling me. Soon we ended up in the loungeroom and laying on the couch while Jughead continued tickling me. "Okay, you can stop now," I giggled to him, out of breath.

"Now, why would I stop when I love hearing your beautiful laugh."

"I love you." I looked at him with love in my eyes and saw the love in his eyes.

"I love you too." He said back to me, then kissed me, but was shortly interrupted by Toni and Veronica.

*Toni, Veronica*

"Woah, Woah, Woah! You guys LOVE each other!" Jughead and I nodded, confused as to what was happening.

"OMG! YAY! FINALLY!" Toni screamed, then Veronica and Toni squealed together in the doorway of the loungeroom.

"You guys need to chill out."

"Wait, B, why didn't you tell us?"

"Because it only happened this morning," I said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. Veronica and Toni both nodded as they walked away and into the direction of the kitchen.

Veronica's P.O.V

Toni and I were woken up by the sound of Betty and Jughead screaming downstairs, but a laughing kind of screaming. We both looked at each other with confused looks and headed downstairs to see what was going on downstairs. We were surprised to see them both cuddling together in the lounge room, and as we walked closer we heard them telling each other they love each other.

*Betty, Jughead, Toni, Veronica*

"Woah, Woah, Woah! You guys LOVE each other!" They both nodded their heads and Toni screamed out in excitement.

"OMG! YAY! FINALLY!" We were screaming for a bit and then were told to calm down as we walked to the kitchen.

"What's for breakfast?" I shouted back to them, hoping they might have left some food for us.

"We had chocolate chip pancakes." I heard Betty say.

"But you need to make your own because I ate every last pancake." I groaned and proceeded to make scrambled eggs for Toni and I. I heard the TV on, so I assumed they couldn't hear us.

"I can't believe they said they love each other!" I whispered to Toni, hoping she would get the hint that they can't hear we're talking about them.

"I know! I love them!" She whispered back to me, getting the hint.


"My otp!"

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