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Michael was sound asleep when he heard his phone ringing furiously on the nightstand. It took him a couple of rings to finally wake him up, groaning as he did so.

He reached beside him to grab his phone, not even bothering to check the caller I.D, his eyes weren't even fully adjusted to the light - or dark, yet.

"Hello?" Michael's sleepy voice spoke.

"Michael?" a voice Michael recognized as Lisa, sniffled, making him sit up.

"Lisa? Are you alright?" He asked worriedly, running his hand through his hair.

"I don't...I...Can I come over?" Lisa's voice shook, making Michael worry even more.

"Sure, sure, sure," he quickly spoke, fully awake now. He didn't care what time it was, or the fact that Lisa just woke him up. He just wanted to make sure she was fine.

"Thanks, Mike," Lisa sniffled once again, "I'll be there in a bit."

"Drive safely, please," was the last thing Michael said before he hung up the phone.

Michael stood up from his bed and searched for clothes to wear - since it was Lisa, he just put on some sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt, knowing she wouldn't particularly judge his attire, but he couldn't walk around in just boxers either.

To say Michael was worried was an understatement, honestly, Lisa rarely ever cried. Sure, she had shed a few tears over the occasional movie or Maroon 5 song, but she wasn't the one to get worked up over real life things. She would just play it cool and act like everything was okay, even when it wasn't.

So, yes, of course Michael was worried, every single possible scenario was running through his mind, each one worse than the last one.

He walked to the living room, and sat on his couch, bouncing his leg up and down, as if it would relieve the stress he was feeling at the moment.

It didn't.

For fuck's sake! Michael thought, Couldn't she have told me over the phone what was wrong and then come over? This is bloody agony!

He almost felt like the rest of his hair was going to fall off soon enough.

Luckily though, Michael and Lisa's houses weren't very far away from each other, so Lisa had arrived rather quickly, although of course to Michael, it still felt like hours.

Time goes by slowly when you're worried.

When she walked through the front door (Michael had also given her a spare to key to his apartment), Michael quickly stood up, rushing over to where she was, and without a second thought, he enveloped her in a hug.

She sobbed into his chest, probably staining Michael's shirt with her tears, but he didn't mind. He just wanted her to know that he was there for her.

Michael pulled away first, examining her tear stained face. He frowned. This wasn't a sight he was exactly used to.

He cupped her face, and wiped a few tears off of her face, which, to be completely honest, was useless, seeing as many others still escaped her eyes.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Michael asked. Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes, god dammit, please say yes. He chanted repeatedly on his mind. He needed to know what was wrong.

She nodded, still not saying a word, and walked over to the couch Michael was previously sitting on. Lisa plopped down on it and Michael followed suit,  joining her.

"So," Lisa began, taking a deep breath as she did so, "You know how my parents and I have been having certain...problems... ever since I came out, right?"

Michael nodded.

He was already dreading what was coming next by those simple words. Lisa always, always, always, searched for her parents approval, but nothing was ever good enough for them. It could've been because of the simple fact that she was a lesbian, but it wasn't enough reason to reject your child.

It wasn't a valid reason at all.

Still, Lisa always saw the good in people and just thought they'd come around eventually, but they still haven't.

"Well," She continued, "They called earlier today, and it had been a while since they have even given me a sign that they were still alive, so of course, I picked up, only to have my mom being just so... sarcastic and cruel. And still calling this whole 'I'm gay' thing a phase."

"What a bitch," Michael muttered under his breath.

Michael never really liked Lisa's mom, not even when Lisa and her got along. He thought she was a rather shallow person, only really caring what people thought of her, so of course, she was too uptight for his liking.

Lisa cracked a very, very small, barely visible, smile before continuing, "Anyways, it was just so humiliating to have to listen to that, and they were just comparing me to my brother and I tried so hard not to let it get to me, so I went on with my day, like nothing happened, but just a few hours ago, I just broke down... and I just... I don't know," She groaned, putting her face in her hands, quietly sobbing once again.

"Hey, hey, hey," Michael chanted, taking her hands out of her face, making her look up at him, "Don't worry, Lisa, okay? If they don't accept who you are then fucking screw them, they're missing out on the wonderful person that you are, you're so much more than what they make you out to be, and I hope you don't take any offence to this, but they don't deserve such a magnificent person like you in their life."

Lisa nodded, but she still didn't believe the words Michael was saying. She just didn't feel good enough.

"I just," she hiccuped, "I just wish they wouldn't blame me over something I didn't decide, it's not my fault, it's not, I swear it's not."

Lisa sobbed even harder and the sight broke Michael's heart, he wasn't used to seeing his best friend like this, he felt almost... lost, useless. He felt like he couldn't provide anything other than his presence and that wasn't enough.

Once again, Michael pulled Lisa into a hug, placing his head on top of hers, rubbing soothing, small little circles in her back, "It's not your fault, babe, it's not your fault."

After a few seconds, Lisa pulled away, wiping the rest of the tears on her face, "Sorry," she said, embarrassed, "I'm a mess."

"You're not a mess, Lisa, it's okay to have bad days," Michael smiled sadly, "I always come to you when I have bad days, it's only natural for you to do the same."

"Thanks, Mike," Lisa smiled back, "I don't know what I would do without you."

"You would be an awful person without me but don't mention it," Michael spoke teasingly.

"Yeah but without me you'd be miserable at best," Lisa pointed out.

"Stop referencing songs, Lisa, now it's not the time, we're having a moment, that's not something that happens regularly to us."

"We were having moment-"

"Anyways," Michael rolled his eyes at Lisa's sudden mood swing, but he went on with it. He was glad she wasn't sad anymore. "Just so you know, without you I would be miserable at best."


weLL big mayday parade reference there and awful chapter ending but im kinda proud of the overall chapter idek¿¿¿  dedicated to fivesaucewhoop aka paige aka satan bc she vOTED ON ONE OF THE CHAPTER OF MY STORY WHAT THE FUCK ok bye

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