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SLIGHT RECAP from last chapter bc it's been forever im sorry 

Lisa is trying to find a job and she's going to a job interview and tom and michael talked a bit about Lisa and Michael's "nonexistant" feelings towards her and yeah


Lisa was never good under pressure. She felt she always said the wrong thing, her palms would get sweaty and she would let out an occasional stutter. However, she felt confident this time. She was going to get a job and she was going to be able to pay her bills and maybe even buy something nice.

She always wanted to be a writer - not an author though, she didn't really care for writing an actual book or story; she wanted to write for a magazine or a newspaper, have her own little section where she can state her opinion on certain things.

However, she was only 18, she was starting college in a few months, but she wasn't an actual student yet; writing for a magazine at such a young age when you're not even in college yet was a tad unrealistic. So, she opted for the next best thing.

Writing for a web page.

Apparently, there was this website called Wobbor (a/n: made it up and i know it's lame) that had a little bit of everything. A section of jokes, a section of movie or TV show reccomendations, a section where you can interact with the users, a section that was called 'reasons why you shouldn't cry' (you would think it would be filled with cats and bunnies and pretty things, but it was filled with embarrassing anecdotes published by the users of the site) and finally, an 'opinions' section - the one Lisa was interested in.

Apparently the creators of the site didn't have enough writers in the 'opinions' area and were in need of a few people. The job was simple enough, you were assigned a certain topic and you had to speak your mind about it - being respectful of other's people's opinions as well.

She was currently waiting for the interviewer who said he was going to get some papers and that he'll be right back.

It's good, she thought, it's good that I have this few extra minutes for myself, I can prepare a bit mo-

Her thoughts were cut off by the door opening, the guy supposed to interview her stepped in, a smile on his face.

"Sorry if I took a while, I couldn't find the papers I was looking for. I didn't even give you time to introduce yourself. I'm Richard. You're Lisa, right?" He spoke quickly, extending his hand for Lisa to shake, which she did.

Oh god, he shook my sweaty hand, she panicked, he shook my sweaty hand and I blew it! Who wants to hire a person with sweaty hands, anyway? No one!

She could only muster to nod, she probably was overreacting but she was a bit nervous, could you really blame her?

"So Lisa, tell me why are you interested in writing with us - for our website?" Richard asked and Lisa wanted to pass out from the relief - it was an easy question, she was prepared for this one.

"Well, I would love to work for a newspaper or magazine after I graduate from college. It's everything I've wanted ever since I can remember. I think having a background with you guys would help a lot if I want to go towards that direction. Besides, I would be doing something I love, so that's always a plus," She explained confidently, although she was still quite nervous.

"Okay," Richard nodded, "You understand we're looking for only 4 people of your age group to fill in for this job. Why should we choose you? What makes you stand out?"

Lisa gulped, she wanted to word this out very carefully and wisely, but she was under pressure and she couldn't formulate the best answer when she couldn't keep the guy waiting, "I like to think one of my biggest qualities is that I am very opinionated, I'm not afraid to speak my mind despite the judgements that may come because of that. That being said, I also like to think of myself as respectful to other people's opinion, I would never insult a person who thinks differently than I do and I would try to offend the fewest amount of people possible. Of course, you can't please everyone and I understand not everybody will agree with I have to say, but I think that's the fun of it all, the debate. Oh, and uhm, I'm very hardworking," she finished awkwardly with a cough.

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