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a/n: thanks for 1.1k!!

"So, when I got home for the date, I had an epiphany." Michael told Lisa. They were currently at Lisa's place and he was going on and on about the horrendously awkward date he went to with the girl named Valerie a few weeks ago. He was informing Lisa on all the details of his date, and how bad it was. Yes, it could've been worse, but Michael has always been one to exaggerate things and, to top it all off, he never really knew how to handle awkward situations.

"An epiphany?" Lisa echoed, confused as to how could someone have an epiphany after going on a bad date.

"Yes," He began, "You see, I'm not very good at the dating game."

"Tell me something I don't know," Lisa spoke teasingly.

"Fuck you, Lisa," he laughed before continuing, "Anyways, I'm not very good at it, and honestly, it's been bugging me a bit how I've been single for a while, and I'm not desperate or anything, but I want someone to cuddle with and someone, to talk about nothing and everything and I don't know," he shrugged, "It might be that I'm too picky, but I'm sure there's someone out there for me who will blow my mind."

"You just haven't searched hard enough," Lisa finished for him, already knowing what he was about to say.

"Exactly," Michael nodded and smiled, pleased that Lisa was understanding his point "If everyone can find their special someone, then why can't I?"

"Because you're lame and you're going to die alone, but don't worry I'll die alone too, so I'll keep you company along with my forty nine parrots and not cats because that's unoriginal and clichéd and we don't want that."

Lisa's pessimism was something that amused Michael greatly. Most of the time she did exaggerate things, but she indeed, was a pessimist, whereas Michael was more of an optimistic guy, causing them to balance each other out.

"Aren't parrots extremely noisy? Why would you want parrots?" Michael asked.

"I don't care, I want to be original," She responded

"I think having forty nine parrots and my best friend doesn't sound like dying alone to me." He pointed out.

"Many of those parrots will probably catch diseases eventually, though," Lisa countered.

"Then we'll care of it. Anyway, I'm trying to ask you something here, Lisa. Can you please stop changing the subject?"

"Sorry," She apologized quietly, "It wasn't intentional."

"I know," He replied and once again smiled, Lisa sometimes apologized too much. He continued with his dilemma anyway, "So, as I was saying, I was going to to ask you something... I was wondering if you could maybe, possibly introduce me to someone? I know you've already introduced me to many of your friends, but just... can you introduce me to someone who you'll know I'll like and will blow my mind? Like, not just a girl for a night like I usually ask you to, but  a girl I might actually want something serious with?"

"Yes, oh my god, yes!" Lisa squealed, "I love playing matchmaker, oh my god."

"I know you do and that's why I'm trusting you on this one, Lisa, don't fuck up."

"When have I ever fucked up?"

"Do you need a list because I can surely name multiple times in which you have indeed fucked up."

"Hey!" Lisa playfully slapped his arm, "I'm doing you a favor here, you dick, be grateful."

"I would do the same for you if you were into guys, so we're even." Michael chuckled.

"Nah, you wouldn't, after that little stunt at the club you pulled the other day, I really think you wouldn't do the same for me, but that's okay, I don't need you to, I have already embraced my destiny. Crying over things that probably will never happen to me and watching reruns of old TV shows with my forty nine parrots, it's a good time."

"Hey, don't blame for getting protective over my friend, at least I was doing you a favor, which is what I'm asking you to do for me."

"You were doing me a favor?" Lisa repeated, "What favor was that?"

"Rescuing from creeps like that," He shrugged.

"Rescuing me? Who said I need rescuing? I can fend for myself."

Michael had to fight the urge of rolling his eyes. Lisa was very opinionated by these sort of things. About her not needing anyone to 'rescue' her or stuff like that. It was weird, and sometimes it got a bit overbearing, seeing as Lisa would take any opportunity to make sure everyone saw her as her own person who - as she, herself said - could fend for herself. It was an odd thing really, and sometimes Michael didn't really understand it, but he went along with it, never really commenting on it.

"I know you can, but I can still get protective over you." He still had a little voice in the back of his head telling him he wasn't trying to be protective, he was just jealous, and he did tend to get a bit possessive over his friends sometimes, but he's trying to push the voice away, now he's just hoping the remains of it will leave.

He tried to not pay much attention to it, though.

"Fine." Lisa dropped the subject, "What are you currently looking for in a girl, Michaelangelo?"

"Well," He stopped to ponder about it for a few seconds before continuing, "Honestly, right now, I just need someone who you'll know I will have things to talk about. That whole opposites attract thing is bullshit, I swear to god, I need someone who has things in common with me, sure, we can have our differences and all, but just... get me someone cool."

"Well, that narrows it down," Lisa rolled her eyes, "Getting you someone cool."

"I don't know, Lisa, you know me better than I know myself, I'm just going to trust your judgement on the definition of 'cool' and just pray that it goes well."

Michael did trust Lisa when it came to those things, seeing as they were very much alike. He couldn't help but sometimes wonder over the small 'what if's' of life, one of them being what if Lisa wasn't a lesbian? He was okay with her being one, but again, he wondered what would've of happened if she wasn't gay. Would they be dating or would their relationship be stictly platonic - like it is now?

He tried not to think about that too much either, but - again - he couldn't help it sometimes.


a/n: i hate the way my chapters end in this story but i need to end them eventually so i just go for the most lame way to do so oops, this was kind of a filler too oops sorry

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