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"Let's play something?" Lisa repeated Michael's suggestion in form of a question.

"Yeah," Michael grinned, the same mischevious look in his eyes.

Usually, all the other boys would've groaned and refused to do anything other than sleep as soon as they got home, but seeing how shit-faced they were, they probably thought it was the best idea ever.

"Um," Lisa began hesitantly, "What exactly do you want to play?"

"How about two truths one lie? If the person you're asking guesses correctly, then the person who asks takes a shot and vice versa,"

At least it's better than truth or dare, Lisa thought.

"Yes, yes, let's play," Luke giggled and let out a hiccup, he then proceeded to stand up to invade Lisa's cabinet. She didn't have that many drinks, but she did keep some in there.

"No, no, you guys have already had too much, don't you think you should breathe for a bit?" Lisa suggested, but she knew she was going to be turned down anyway.

"Oh, c'mon, Lisa, live a little!" Michael exclaimed, "You haven't had one drink tonight, and we're safely home, what's a few more drinks going to do?"

Lisa knew that if she protested, she was going to be shut down - again, so instead, she kept quiet, agreeing to Michael's little ridiculous idea.

"I'll go first!" Calum informed everyone, just as Luke had returned with shot glasses and drinks in hand, "Okay so... first fact, when I first bought my Nirvana T-Shirt, I had no idea who they were," He paused, "Second fact, I made out with four girls tonight," Another pause. "And last fact, I cried during King Kong. Which one do you think is the lie?" he finished.

"You didn't make out with four girls tonight, that's the lie," Ashton responded, "I was with you the entire time, you made out with three, you could've chosen another lie. Jesus, Calum."

Lisa didn't like it when Ashton was drunk, he either got extremely annoyed at everything - which was how Lisa was feeling not too long ago - or he giggled at everything. There was no in between. He was a very moody drunk.

"Oh my God," Michael laughed, "You cried during King Kong!"

"Shut up, Michael," Calum groaned as he poured a drink in his shot glass, bringing it to his lips and swallowing it down.

"My turn," Ashton began, "Fact one, I didn't have my first kiss 'til I was seventeen; fact two, the first time I got drunk was at New Year's Eve when I was sixteen and I puked all over my aunt's carpet. Fact three, I dressed up as Wanda from Fairly Odd Parents one year for Halloween because they didn't have a Cosmo costume."

"Why would you need a Cosmo costume? You just dye your hair green with non-permanent hair-dye and put on a tie and you're set." Michael stated, "I call bullshit on Wanda.,"

"You, my red friend, are wrong, I was indeed Wanda for Halloween one time," Ashton cockily smirked, "the first time I got drunk was that very Halloween where I was Wanda. I couldn't handle that thing being sober. So, take a shot, red boy."

Michael groaned, but did as told, after he was done, he spoke up, "My turn."

"Fact one, I cried when I started high school because I couldn't believe I made it through middle school and not because I was nervous. Fact two, the first book I ever read was The Shining by Stephen King and I couldn't sleep for several weeks. And lasty," Michael paused, shooting a glare to Lisa, before harshly stating, "I witnessed Lisa full-on flirting with a dude earlier today, acting like a... like a..." He trailed off.

Lisa widened her eyes, not believing what Michael had just said. It wasn't the fact that he said it, because she could've easily explained, that even though, that was indeed the case, it wasn't with that purpose, it was with the purpose of entertaining herself for a bit and then dropping the bomb that she was a lesbian, but obviously that didn't happen, seeing as Michael had interrupted her. It was just the way he said it, as if she had commited a crime.

"I call bullshit on Lisa flirting," Luke slurred, "I was basically there the whole time, I would've seen her flirting, besides, she's not into dudes, so that's bullshit."

"Actually," Michael smiled lazily, "That one's true. I didn't cry when I made it through middle school,"

All heads snapped Lisa's way, everyone's jaw was dropped to the floor, "You're into dudes now?" Luke asked, shock evident in his voice.

Lisa knew that if they weren't so drunk, they would've reacted a lot more maturely, they would've understood it was only a game, but they were absolutely plastered. That's why she didn't feel particularly annoyed at any of them, other than Michael. Who did he think he was? Acting as Lisa commited a crime for flirting with a dude. Sure, she was gay, but that didn't make it ilegal to flirt with other people or the other gender.

"No, no, no," Lisa chanted, "I just wanted to see what was the guy's reaction when I told him I was gay."

"Oh," Ashton nodded, "What was his reaction?"

"I don't think he had one," Michael cut in before Lisa had a chance to speak, "They seemed pretty close when I got there."

Michael was being a douche, he knew that. He was just annoyed, he didn't exactly know why either, he just was. Maybe it was because he wasn't used seeing her so close to other guys in that way so he couldn't help but feel slightly protective. Either way, whatever reason it was, he was annoyed.

Calum looked at Lisa in confusion, "Hey, it's alright if you want to flirt with dudes, too, we're not judging, in fact, I'll have you know I'm available if you want to get a little freaky with me," He winked and tried to speak in a non-drunken voice, but failed, "We're just a bit confused."

"No," Michael deadpanned, "Calum, shut the fuck up, let her explain, she's not going to 'get freaky' with anyone."

"Take a chill pill, man," Ashton giggled.

Lisa grew confused at Michael's reaction to Calum's statement, Michael was the one who wasn't letting Lisa explain, he was constantly interrupting her, and in all honesty, it was upsetting her. She wasn't used to seeing Michael act like this.

"It's no big deal, I wanted to see his reaction, but I couldn't because Michael was too shit-faced and had to go home and I couldn't tell him in the end."

"Oh," They all chorused.

"Well, I don't think I'm going to play anymore, so I'm just going to head to bed. Night guys," Lisa stood up and went to her room, not listening to what the other ones had to say or if they were even going to keep playing. She was frustrated and wanted to be alone for a bit.

Lisa took a quick bath because she honestly couldn't handle going to bed without a shower first. She got out quickly and put on an oversized T-shirt along with some shirts. She finished getting ready for bed and plopped on it.

Not so long after, there were some knocks on her door, she wanted to ignore them, pretending they weren't there, but the person insisted, and she eventually gave up, standing up and walking over to the door, opening it, revealing Michael leaning against the door frame.


a/n: lame and cliche but im also lame and cliche so fuck you goodbye

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